Let Me Be Already!! I Have A Reputation To Uphold Ya Know! Pt. 2

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Nana apologized profusely to the professor for her tardiness then slunk to her seat next to Kenma. She put her head down on the desk.

"Is everything okay, Koizumi-san?" he asked.

She looked up at him. "I had to run from the gyms to the girl's dorms all the way to class. My legs are on fire right now."

"Was it Kuro and Bokuto-san?"

"Yeah I...was helping them do something." She sat up and took out her notebook.

Kenma sighed tiredly as if the thought of those two had fatigued him. "Are you sure that's a good idea? They seem to give you nothing but trouble."

Nana shrugged. "They do, my reputation is ruined. I lied to three club managers today, but, they were so excited when I got the items. They hugged me..." She felt herself blush at the thought.

Kenma watched her expression soften. Apart they were decent guys. He could recall that time Kuro left him at the apartment with Bokuto and they spent the entire time playing video games. Bokuto could be a little unreasonable at times but he wasn't the worst. Well, not the absolute worst. Nonetheless, they were almost nothing but trouble when paired together. The things they often teased him about, the way they teased him and the antics they tried to coax him into were painful even as memories. Kuro meant well, he never pushed much, but their ideas of fun when together were problematic at times.

Nana couldn't deny that she did kind of enjoy running around with them. Oh great, they are rubbing off on me. "I told them I wasn't interested in joining them though," she said suddenly. "I was only helping them out this one time." She glanced sideways at Kenma and he smiled just a little.

"What are they up to now?" he asked as he stared forward at the professor.

"I have no idea. Kuroo won't tell me anything. He said I should try to figure it out."


"It has something to do with the clubs, whatever it is."

They let the conversation drop to listen to the rest of the lecture. For the first time in...well, forever, Nana couldn't focus on the lecture. It wasn't that it wasn't interesting, it was because of what Kuroo had said. "You can't avoid people forever. These years can be boring if you let them, but it's just as much a learning experience as it is an experience to learn." Why did he have to make everything so hard? Nana wanted to be a good student. She came to the university with hopes and dreams and she had studied so hard to get in.

What was wrong with not wanting to waste time? Was it wrong to not want to get involved with the stereotypical university student's havoc? Drinking, parties, men, sleeping around, drama- it wasn't like she didn't want to live but she had reserved herself to being more reckless when she could afford it. When she could afford going to the hospital or she was invited to a co-worker's party with drinks and handsome men who were closer to a level of maturity. So, if I've made up my mind, why do I care what they say?

After the night class, Nana walked with Kenma back to the parking lot. It was annoyong how the thoughts that made her doubt herself were the ones that her mind insisted on replaying over and over. "Kozume-san, why don't you know what they're up to most of the time?" she asked to distract herself.

"I don't ask," he said simply.

"That makes sense."

Kenma watched her from the corner of his eye. "Did they bother you a lot today?"

Nana shook her head. "No, no I volunteered today. It's just... Kuroo-san said something that has me thinking a lot about...things."

"I could probably get them to leave you alone."

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