Let Me Be Already!! I Have A Reputation To Uphold Ya Know! Pt. 1

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Thursday [12:30]

Just one more day and I can go home again. Nana repeated this to herself throughout the day. Once again she had managed to be a victim of Kuroo and Bokuto's antics. Well, it was more like Bokuto's emotional distress had caused the computers to glitch. He was apparently very skilled with computers. Although he was an ace with computers, his resolve seemed rather weak.

"I just want to go to my classes, do my work and go home on the weekends," she whined as she walked up the stairs to the second floor. "What have I done to deserve this..."

"Koizumi-san! Koizumi-san!"


Nana flinched.

"Koizumi-san, we saw that boy in your room a few days ago. Not that it's so shocking to see a boy in here, but it is shocking to see a boy coming out of the study bug's room."

Nana slowly turned around to face the other women. No one ever really talked to her. If someone came by the room it was usually for Honoka, but she didn't recognize these two. "Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong," she said.

They laughed. "Oh, dear Koizumi-san, we didn't think you'd be interested in a guy like that. You're so studious after all."

"I said it isn't like that," Nana replied turning on her heels. "There's no point in talking if you aren't going to listen."

"Hold on, I just wanted to ask who he was," she said. "I heard it was one of the two who keeps pulling those troublesome pranks. I heard they were the ones that hacked the network the other day. Your name was also on that video broadcasted last week."

"Believe what you want but I am in no way involved with immature boys like that," Nana retorted. "I have a classmate who's a friend of their's and that's it. Now leave me alone, will you?"

She quickly returned to her room and burst through the door. "Ugh! I'm so sick of this already! Honoka-chan, let's go off campus to eat!"

"Nana-chan!" She was suddenly grabbed around her middle and lifted off the floor.

Someone just kill me now...

"It is lunch time, huh," Kuroo said as he typed away on a netbook. "I guess I am a litltle hungry."

Honoka sat back-to-back with him reading a book. "What did you have in mind, Nana-chan?"

Bokuto put her down and she punched him in the arm. "What are they doing here?!"

"Don't get so worked up Nana-chan," Honoka said distractedly. "They just wanted to visit."

"There's a reason men and women do not room together on campus- Ah!"

She was pulled backwards as Bokuto rummaged through her backpack for her phone. Nana tried to take it back but he held it up out of her reach. "How come Kuroo has your number and I don't?" he asked as he navigated her contacts.

"Because Honoka-chan gave it to him, it wasn't voluntary!"

"Ehh? He wouldn't give it to me," he pouted.

"Oi! Children go play outside!" Kuroo shouted. "I'm trying to write a paper and you two are ruining my concentration."

Nana instantly forgot about her phone. "You're working on a paper? Like...an actual assignment?"

"Yes, chibi-chan. I go to school here too, remember?"

"Ah... It's just a little surprising." Nana said as she took off her backpack and sat at her desk.

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