50 - Desperate

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The closer I got to his shop the more excited I became. I couldn't wait to kiss him and touch him and see his smile. Every single time I thought about him my mind pictured his wet, naked body in the shower we had shared while on vacation a few weeks back. I was hungry for more. Now that I had a taste of what it felt like to be with him so intimately, making myself orgasm did not come close to the ecstasy he made me feel.

I checked myself in my visor mirror before exiting my car and heading inside. The place was packed with people and was loud with the sounds of the countless conversations taking place. I noticed that there was a space that had been cleared to fit a microphone and some speakers. I decided to get something to drink while I waited for the performance to start.

"Hey Trey," I greeted as I approached the counter.

"Hey, Bea, what can I get you?" he asked.

"Uh, I'll take an iced vanilla coffee. Decaf," I added, not wanting to be up the whole night.

"What size?" he asked as he tapped the iPad.

"Small," I smiled.

I saw Michael walk backward out of the kitchen, and when his body turned to face me a grin spread across his face.

"Hey, love, grab a seat, I'll be there in a bit," he smiled as he carried a tray of desserts behind the counter and placed it into the display.

"Kay," I smiled, turning back to Trey for him to tell me how much I owed.

"Nah, mate, she's on the house," Mikey instructed Trey as he looked over at the iPad.

"No way," I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, don't listen to her Trey," Mikey smiled, slapping him on the shoulder, "I'll make her coffee, can you go help Sandra finish the dishes in the back?"

He chuckled and nodded, "Sure."

Mikey smirked, content to be pushing my buttons, as he prepared my coffee.

"Here you go, love," he smiled.

I thanked him and searched for an empty seat. I found an empty table for two by the window closest to the door and took a seat so I was facing the "stage".

I smiled to myself as I sipped my free coffee. I guess there were some pretty good perks to dating a coffee shop owner. I scrolled through my phone to pass the time. Someone tapped the microphone, and I looked up to see Mikey gathering everyone's attention.

"Thanks, everyone for coming, tonight we've got Iris playing a few pieces she wrote," he smiled, motioning for her to come up, "Give it up for Iris!"

I watched as he made his way to the table I was at and pulled the empty chair out so it was next to mine.

"Hey," he leaned into my shoulder to whisper as Iris began playing her guitar and singing.

"Hi," I whispered back.

He rested his hand on my thigh sending tingles up and down my body. Of course, his presence made it hard to focus on Iris' performance and I spent the next 45 minutes daydreaming about everything I wanted to do with Michael when we were alone. He patted my leg before standing up and approaching the stage.

Old MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang