"That's right." He pulled my face up for a quick kiss before he broke out into a run, making both of us follow.


*2 years later*

"How do you think she will react?" I whispered as the grounds came into view.

"Well, if we did a great job at choosing the right people, our little secret is still a secret." He whispered back, rubbing the hand that held my wedding band.

"If the ring on my finger doesn't tell her anything, then my bump will," I laughed, feeling the baby move inside of me. "We are adults. We have been married for six months already, but why do I feel like we are teenagers who are sneaking into their parents homes, trying to hide something."

"Because you are."

I jumped a mile high at the new voice, while Xavier quickly placed me behind him, going into a protective stance. But it quickly disappeared when his grandfather appeared behind the tree, smiling as he uncrossed his arms.

"Welcome home. I believe congratulations are in order?" He cocked his head to the side as we stepped closer, me still behind him. The confused look on my face must have been prominent since he smiled, and gestured to his ear. "I may be old, but I can still hear your baby's heart beat."

My hand went down to my bump, and I smiled, knowing our secret was out. I went to take the first hug, stepping aside as they did the man hug and then another congratulations was said when he saw our fingers.

"Your grandmother is going to kill you, you know."

Xavier hissed out a breath as he ran a hand over his face. "I know, but I just couldn't help myself. When she finally said yes, I just had to jump the gun, and take it before she changed her mind."

Alex nodded as we continued walking, rubbing his chin as he thought. His eyes brighten in recognition and then he laughed. "So is that why Kayla and Noah disappeared for a few days? And why they have been avoiding me like the plague."

I smiled and nodded. "We needed witnesses. Xavier wanted his father, and I wanted a friend. Don't get me wrong, I love all the females in our family, but I knew I could trust Kayla."

"Oh, you can trust her alright. I haven't heard a peep about any of this. How did you get married without the press finding out?"

"Miracle," we both laughed, remembering how after we left the small chapel and were making our way to the hotel room to celebrate, a paparazzi finally found us. Thankfully, Ben had still been with us at that moment, and he ushered us inside before my short white dress could be detected as a wedding dress.

"It's still killing me though," Xavier asked when we reached the side door undetected by some miracle. "How did you know we were here."

"Son, I am the King. My packs tell me when people are on their way."

"GUYS! THEY ARE BACK!" Someone screamed, and in seconds, we heard multiple sets of feet running down the hallway to greet us. Alex winked as he stepped aside, taking me along with him while Xavier took his stance across form us. Alex towered in front of me, blocking me from everyone, and I knew he was trying to help us keep the surprise. I also knew they could probably hear the extra heart beat, but I couldn't help but hope they were too excited about our arrival to notice it.

They all hugged him, and I could hear them asking about me when they didn't see me. When I poked my head to the right and waved with my right hand, did they start to come forward, but Alex stopped them with a hand.

Choosing Fate (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now