Chapter 15

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The happy days didn't last long. It seemed like a week had passed since I first step foot back into the castle grounds again, but in reality, it had only been 3 days. Three long, eventful days. On the fourth day, it all went downhill fast.

Fevers, nauseas, and coughing fits were all erupting from my body as I laid in bed. I didn't even have the energy to stand up and go to the restroom. Quinn had to put a catheter on me —much to my protest and embarrassment— and I pleaded to be left alone. I didn't want anyone to see me in this state, but that didn't stop two people from barging in.

One of them was Quinn. Of course, she was around me over half of the day, taking care of my every need. She had moved in to the bedroom right across from mine with her mate, Daniel, who I barely saw. I had asked her if she didn't have other patients to see, and she had just shaken her head and given me a small smile.

"You're my only patient. You're priority number one to someone important to me, so of course I'll be with you. There are other healers around, and I'll only leave if it's an extreme emergency."

The second person was none other than Xavier. Of course he ignored all my remarks and stayed rooted to the chair next to my bed. He only left to give me privacy so I could use the restroom without his watchful eyes, and returned once Quinn finished helping me out. I knew he could probably hear me, which always brought a blush to my face, fever or not, but it's not like I could do anything about it. I was only human.

Quinn sighed from besides me after checking my vitals and stared straight into my eyes, like always. "Have you thought about it some more?"

I closed my eyes and shuddered, feeling the blanket being tucked even tighter around me. After three days of this sickness, I overheard their loud whispering from the corner of the room. Quinn was telling Xavier and his grandparents that I was only deteriorating, and the moment that I was waiting on was finally coming. This was only the beginning, and it wouldn't stop. The only way I would make it out of this alive was if I turned.

"I..." I licked my dry lips, and silently appreciated when a straw was tucked into them. I sucked down the refreshing liquid, even though I had an IV pierced into me. "You know what I want."

There was another sigh from her, and one from Xavier. The hand he was holding was squeezed, and without moving my head, I turned to look at him. He was pleading at me with both his eyes and his posture. He wanted— no, was begging for me to turn. He didn't want to lose me; he didn't want to lose the only chance at love that he had, but he was giving me a choice. He was giving me the choice of living. We both knew he would be heartbroken if I died, but he didn't want to force me to stay with him. He was giving me that choice. When I had asked him if the only reason he had brought me back was because I was dying, he shook his head, but stopped himself and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, that... but also because I wanted to be there with you. If you die... well I don't want my soulmate to die alone. If I was in your position, I would want to be around people who loved me..."

"Xavier...." I whispered. "Please." He dropped my hand and looked away, but didn't leave. From the corner of my eye, I saw Quinn leaving, and the only noise was my ragged breathing and the heart monitor.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I thought I was strong enough... but I can't. I can't watch you die, Evangeline." He buried his face on his hands, but I saw the tears dripping down his cheeks. My mouth dropped in shock, and I found myself reaching out to comfort him, but I stopped myself. A round of coughing hacked through my body, and he quickly helped me sit up so I could breathe better. When I removed the tissue from my mouth, my eyes widened at the color that rested in the blanket of white.


I could taste the metallic in my mouth, and heard the deep growl that emanated from him when he saw it. "Eva, please!"

"Xavier, I-"

"I'll do anything. Please, just don't leave me!" He cried as he grabbed my hand again with both of his. He laid his cheek on our intertwined hands, and closed his eyes as he spoke. "I'm not sorry I hit you with the door the first time we met." He faintly smiled at the memory, and that almost made me smile too. "And I'm also not sorry for hitting you again the second time. Those accidents brought me to you, and I couldn't be happier. Yes, I admit I wasn't happy I was stuck with you until the paparazzi left, but you reeled me in. You made me into your friend, Eva, you made my family fall in love with you quickly. It's like you were molded to be with our family since the beginning without any bond."

He opened his eyes, and I gasped when I saw the iris flash a red. It was only for some brief seconds, but his eyes returned to normal, and he closed them up again. "But now that my vampire side knows you're here, that you exist, he doesn't want to let you go. I don't want to let you go." He opened his eyes once more and started to caress my face as he continued. "I know it's not the right time, but I can't hold it in anymore. I must tell you how I feel, Eva."

My breathing stopped as his hand stopped moving, only to cup my cheek. The words that he uttered next brought tears to my eyes. "I love you, Eva, and I can't lose you. Not again. I won't let you leave my side, so I'm giving you another choice."

My mouth opened up to form words, but none came out. It was only after my brain finally commanded my lungs to breathe did they words come flying through my mouth in a big rush. "What is it?"

"Turn... and I'll give you your freedom. Turn... and you can leave."

I was confused.

"Wh- what?"

"I won't make you stay with me." He gulped as he closed his eyes for a second before nodding to himself. "I will let you roam the earth and travel, just like you wanted. Everything will be the same, but you'll just be one of us."

"A royal?" I squeaked out and he smiled.

"Well, if you want to be a royal, you can stay with me. I will treat you like a queen." I was now embarrassed by my words and he laughed. "I was talking more along the lines of being a vampire, Eva."


"That's your other option. I beg you will take it. At least I'll know you're still here..."

I stayed silent as he stared at me. My heartbeat calmed down after it's little rush, and I looked down at our hands. "Can I think about it?"

He sighed. "Think fast, Eva. You don't have much time."

"I know."

Choosing Fate (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora