Chapter 1

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Cutting through the alley besides the café was probably not the best idea I had come up with. I didn't place all the blame on me, since I was too lazy to go all the way around, but I wasn't planning on slamming into a door and passing out.

So yeah! It wasn't entirely my fault. The blame also went to the person who decided to slam the metal door open at the exact same time I was running in front of it.

"She's coming around," I heard someone say and then that's when I began to feel the pain. My head hurt like a mother fucker, but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to already. Underneath my fingertips, I could feel the softest sheets I had ever felt, and all I wanted to do was to curl up in a little ball like a kitten and go back to sleep.

But the stupid nagging voice and the dumb headache I was sporting forced me to open my eyelids and see who in the world was talking to me.

Two soft hazel eyes that were hidden behind circle shaped glasses were looking down at me. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed that I was staring, and I copied his move.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my voice rasping with the dryness in my throat. Before he could even speak, I sat up, immediately regretting it when the room began to spin and the hammering in my head increased by a million.

"Stay down miss. Don't try to sit up since the bump in your head caused a concussion."

"Oh, thanks for the warning!" I mumbled sarcastically as I rubbed my temples. I heard him sigh, and I opened my eyes to see him still looking at me.

"Where am I? This sure doesn't look like my apartment...."

The first dead giveaway that this wasn't my apartment were the soft sheets underneath me. My bed had one of the roughest sheets known to man, but I couldn't really go to the store and buy new ones with all of my medical expenses. I was barely able to pay my rent and keep my Ramen diet down to a minimum.

The second giveaway was the guy. I had never, in my entire life seen him so how was he in my place? It's not like he knew where I lived anyways.....

The third and last giveaway was the room itself. It looked like one of those rooms that Royal, famous, or rich people stayed at in the movies. You know those rooms you were afraid to even breathe in because you were scared you were going to taint it with your poorness.... Yeah this was it.

"You're in the presidential suite at the-"

"Royale Hotel?!?!" I all but shrieked. There was only one hotel that had a presidential suite within a five block radiance from the café. Plus all the other hotels were just the cheap ones tourists used for their night stay. Or for those people who were too horny to make it to a respectable building that did not have their significant others. Either way, the Royale Hotel was the cleanest, and most expensive hotel in this city.

"Do you need a doctor miss?" The guy asked after he caught my attention with a snap of his finger. I blushed, shook my head, and regretted it as a wave passed by.

"No thank you. I'm tired...... Of.... Oh he's hot...."

The man who stepped into the room smirked, and I blushed again as I quickly looked back to the first man. Since my back was pressed flatly against the headboard, and the strangers were literally surrounding me, there was no possible way I could escape..... Not that I wanted to since this bed was so....

"Miss!" Another snap of some fingers brought me back from my internal babbling and I blinked rapidly.


"Maybe I did hit her too hard with the door. Are you sure she doesn't need a doctor or something?" Hottie asked the guy, as if I wasn't even there.

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