Chapter 2

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The food was icy cold by the time I got to my apartment. The sun had long ago set, so it was pitch black when I opened the front door.

I didn't have trouble navigating through my old furniture though. I had purposely arranged everything everywhere, and then forced myself to learn my way blindfolded. So walking through my small living room was a piece of cake.

After sticking the expensive food in my cheap microwave, I settled down in my couch, propping my feet up into the slightly unbalanced coffee table. I propped a pillow into my lap, and then placed the hot plate on top of it before I dug in. I practically moaned in delight as the food hit my tastebuds, and completely forgot to turn on the tv. Only when I was chewing did I realize it was dead silent, so I picked up the remote from besides me and began to channel surf.

I ended up stopping at some reruns of Greys Anatomy, and I chuckled at the irony.

Couldn't have chosen a better show couldn't you?

A pounding at my door had me groaning and wondering who was trying to contact me at the moment. I was hoping that the person who was knocking on my door would go away, but as they knocked again, I groaned and stood up, looking at my food in longing as I walked away from it.

One look at the peephole had me cursing and biting my lip.

Fuck! The rent was due today!

"Eva. I know you're in there. I can hear your television on."

Double fuck!

I slowly cracked the door open and gave the building manager a small smile. The hair on his head was slicked to the side, practically molded to his head, and I cringed, as always. His big, round glasses were resting at the bridge of his nose, and he had a full pout on as he look at me. "Why hi there Mr. Malone. How can I help you?"

He didn't waste a second of breath to answer me. "Rent is due."

I bit my lip. "Listen... I don't get paid until tomorrow, and I have nothing on me. Can we-"

"There will be an extra ten dollar charge for late fees."

My mouth dropped open as he twirled around and began to walk away. "WHAT? WHY!" I screamed out after him, making him halt mid step. He slowly turned around, pushing his glasses back up as he straightened his already straight sweater. It was a warm eighty degrees in the hallways since he didn't believe in wasting cool air, so he was sweating like crazy as he walked back towards me. I took the step back into my apartment as he stopped and cleared his throat.

"I will not tolerate this behavior Miss Eva. There will be an extra charge because I do not permit late fees."

Well that told me shit. "But you've never complained before! Why now?"

He pushed his glasses up for what seemed like the tenth time since he stood there, and stared at me. "People change. I expect my money by sunset."

He walked away and I slammed the door shut. "Fucking asshole. Fuck you."

Forgetting about my food, I stomped into my room and began to pack all my belongings. I didn't have much to begin with, and it was time to throw away the mattress and couch anyways. By the time I was done packing, my food had once turned cold again, and Greys was long over. I quickly reheated the food again, eating it in a sour mood since it was soggy with all the reheating, and slumped down on my bed once I was done. I didn't even bother changing into my pajamas; I punched my pillow to try and get comfortable and closed my eyes.

Fucking ten dollar fee my ass...


"He can stick these ten dollars up his ass." I grumbled as I began to pour all of the loose change into a small bag. I had asked my manager to give me ten dollars out of my paycheck in change. It didn't matter if it was pennies, nickles, dimes, whatever; I just wanted to annoy Mr. Malone's butt for charging me more.

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