Chapter 30

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"You've been tested. To leave without you would be against the Modus."

"Tested? You mean when Lachesis tried to kill me?"

"Yes, that was it."

"What's the Modus?" asked Ashur taking a couple of bites.

"It's the code we live by. What was the injury you had healed last time?"

Ashur finished his bread and grabbed some more this time with some cheese and meat. His stomach suddenly felt incredibly empty.

"Both my knees were broken," he replied between bites.

"How long did it take you to recover?"

"I left the next day."


Ashur paused looking over at the healer's shocked expression.

"Well, the healer tried to keep me from leaving," he smiled slightly thinking of Evelyn, "but I couldn't afford to waste anymore time. I was worried about my sister and if she would make it."

"Ashur," said Dyllon recovering from his surprise, "I have never heard of anyone who was able to accept magic like that."

"What do you mean?"

"Magic is unnatural," began Dyllon, "it normally takes time for a man's body to accept what is being done. The men I heal for the first time are laid up for weeks sometimes just dealing with the effects of the magic. Over time men, like Lachesis, will slowly respond more favorably to what the magic does to their bodies to make them heal."

"So, you're saying that since this is only my second time being healed I should still be passed out on the table?"

Dyllon nodded.

"I would have given you at least one more day before expecting you to wake up."

"I thought magical healing was done in an instant. With the person walking away immediately afterwards right as rain," said Ashur continuing to chew his food.

Dyllon shook his head,

"Not since the time of the Caelestors have men been healed like that."

"The Caelestors?"

"Yes, it was said that the Caelestors didn't even need healing songs. Legend says Esariel the Maimed could heal a man just by touching him."

Ashur took a drink of water.

"How long do these meetings normally take?"

Before Dyllon could answer, the door opened. Both men looked up to see the tall figure of Segurant walk through the door. His black cloak hung just above the floor and his metallic hand was hidden beneath its folds. He looked at Ashur and the healer with calm blue eyes. Then he turned his head to address Ashur.

"Finish quickly we shall be leaving soon."

In answer Ashur picked up one more piece of bread and rose to his feet.

"Despite his apparent recovery I still suggest that he wait before going on any dangerous assignment," said Dyllon quickly, also rising to his feet.

"Your suggestion is noted," replied Segurant holding the door as Ashur walked out.

Segurant followed him out then turned down the road and Ashur followed behind. Segurant walked quickly and silently past the various buildings of Aerico. He had the smell of travel and horse on him but he gave no sign of weariness. Ashur, on the other hand, kept having dizzy spells as he followed behind. He pushed through and kept the pace.

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