Welcome To Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts!

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Kathy's POV

I will never going to get bored of this magnificent castle in front of me. The first time I saw Hogwarts in the boats, I was thinking about how beautiful Hogwarts was compared to the owl that my older brother Charlie got for his birthday. Bill and Charlie both said that Hogwarts was beautiful but I was thinking about unicorn beautiful. Hey, I was nine okay! I cannot believe my eyes every time I go back to see Hogwarts, now it's my second-last year. Oh my lord! My second-last year already? Merlin, I won't be able to ward off boys off of my sisters when they hit puberty! I'm positive that my brothers will take care of them I hope!

I have this circle of friends which are practically family. We call ourselves 'the Eight Mates'. It involves Peter Sam, Greg David, Gloria David, Haley Henderson, Wendy Sam, Liam Hope, Nia Jameson and me. We are all the same age and Peter and Wendy are twins! You might think that Greg and Gloria are twins but they are not! Gloria's parents died in the first Wizarding War when she was a baby so Greg's parents took her in! So yeah...

"Where are we going to sit?" Nia asked as we entered the Great Hall.
I looked across the room, "Over there near where the new Gryffindors are going to sit." Liam pointed.
"See ya later mates!" Peter slapped Greg and ruffled us girls' hair as he went to the Hufflepuff table along with Haley.
"Yeah, we should go to." Gloria waved and pulled Greg with her to the Ravenclaw table.
"I wish that I could be with you lot but I have to go and sit where my housemates are. Bye!" Wendy said sadly as she walked to her table, Slytherin.
We all knew Wendy before she got sorted into Slytherin so everybody respects her but the Slytherins hate her because she hangs out with us. She has this one friend named Joana Lowe but she is a real demon when she's around us. At least she is friendly with Wendy though!

As Nia, Liam and I sat down the door opened to reveal the first years.
I saw a bushy-haired girl point to the ceiling and say something with the lines of, "Is bewitched" and "In Hogwarts: A History." She must be a muggleborn if she read that boring book.
Then I saw my brother and a boy with glasses walking together and gazing everywhere amazed.
"Oi! Ron! Ronald! Over here Ronald Weasley!" I shouted.
He finally saw me and turned red. "Kathy!" He exclaimed embarrassed. I laughed then I caught the boy who had asked me how to get through the barrier laughing too and I winked at him remembering that he had a crush on my sister. He seemed to remember too and so, the boy and my brother had red faces together! I nudged Nia and Liam to look at them and they started laughing, "Oh Kathy, what did you do to them?" Liam asked after a few seconds still stifling a laugh.
"Shhhh! The sorting has begun!" Percy whispered.
"Abbott, Hanna!" Professor McGonagall announced as a girl came up and sat on the stool.
"Hufflepuff!" The hat roared as Peter and Haley's table stood up and clapped.

The sorting seemed to go on for ages before my little brother got called up. "Weasley, Ronald!" Professor McGonagall announced.
"Woo hoo! Go Ronnikins! Make the Weasley family proud!" I stood up and yelled. "Miss Weasley! Sit down please!" Professor McGonagall sternly said while the twins and my friends laughed. When I looked at Professor Dumbledor was smiling with twinkling eyes.

Ron went up to the stool and put the hat on his head, "Gryffindor!" The sorting hat yelled as he got up and practically ran to our table. Before I could shout something, Professor McGonagall looked at me.

"Potter, Harry!" Professor McGonagall shouted. The whole great hall turned into silence.
"Cricket, cricket!" I said as Harry Potter went up to the stool.
"Shhhhhhh!" Liam and Nia and practically the whole school shushed me up.
It took about seven minutes for him to get sorted and he started mouthing words almost like a wand less spell to charm him to get in Slytherine! But that can't be unless... He CAN do wand less magic!!!! I tell you lies he's a first year, he can't do that yet! Wand less magic is useful for pranks. When I graduate Hogwarts I'll teach the twins(the boy twins not my little sisters) wand less magic so they can bring hell to Hogwarts.
I've been too caught up in my marble that the Sorting Hat already sorted Harry Potter!
"What house did he get in?" I asked Nia.
"Have you been listening? He got in our house Kitty Kat." She said.
"Don't call me that Nia Jameson!" I punched her lightly. And you know what she did? She laughed.
George and Fred(notice that I put George first? It's always 'Fred and George' so I shook it up!) were shouting, "In your face Slytherine!" As Percy tried to pull them both down he looked pleased as well.
My cup of happiness was overfilled when the food came so I said 'when' and embarrassed my brother Ron.
"Ron! Mummy will be so proud of you! Did you hear that Percy? Mum will be so proud of Ronnikins over there!" I exaggerated dragging out the so.
Percy's face was priceless! I knew how hard Percy works to please mum but he should disappoint her once in a blue-moon. Both of my brothers' faces turned red for different reasons and Ron hid is face and Percy said stiffly, "Of course she is proud of him, he's in mum's old house but she is more proud of me because I am a prefect!"
Nia and Liam both know that he's like that and Liam went so far as to chocking!
Embarrassing and aggravating my little brothers is a big sister's job.

I'm so sorry! I know I said that my next update was last week but my mom grounded me from electronics including my laptop! So I couldn't update until now!
P.s Sorry if there is mistakes! I didn't edit this!

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