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"Ginny! Wait up!" A seven year old said running after her older sister.

"Yeah Ginny! I'm too old for this!" Laughed their sister.

"Hurry up! We're almost there!" Ginny shouted.

"I think we should slow down a bit! Don't you think? Ellie's getting out of breath."

Ellie was indeed getting out of breath. Her face was red.

"Ginny! The pond!" Ellie yelled suddenly.

Ginny didn't seem to hear her.

Ellie rushed after her.

"Ellie! Stop! She's turning the other way!" The older sister said.

Ellie wouldn't stop. She had to get her older sister out of the way...


"Wake up! Wake up! We're dropping the boys and Kathy off!" A bundle of ginger hair jumped on a lump under the warm quilt.

"Ugh! Ellie! Ok! Ok! I'm up!" The lump said.

"Ginny! You're just like Ron!" Ellie said.

A pillow hit Ellie and she fell off the bed. "Ellie! Are you alright?" Their mother said.

"Ginny! You don't throw things at people! Especially your younger sister! Kathy and Ellie doesn't do that! You should be like them!" Mrs.Weasley scolded. Ginny looked down ashamed.

"Mum! Relax! It was a one time thing! Right Ginny? Besides to be someone else is bogus!" Kathy said leaning on the wall behind them. She then helped Ellie and Ginny up.

"Up you get now!" She acclaimed.

"I got this mum! Go and make more breakfast so Ron wouldn't eat it all." Kathy told her mom.

"Have you ever told you I am so thankful I have you Kathy?" Her mother sighed.

"Yes you have. Now shoo! Shoo!" Kathy shooed her mom out of her little sisters' room.

"So... What do you two have in your closet?"


Kathy's P.O.V

"-packed with muggles of course." Mum said.

I only caught on what she said because I was busy watching the twins. They are always into some sort of mischef. The twins are Fred and George. Ginny and Ellie were never considered twins even though they are. I reckon because Ellie was born the day after Ginny was born.

I was so lost in my thoughts about Ginny and Eloise that I didn't see a little boy come up to me."Excuse me! Um.. how do you um..." A boy asked.

"How to get on the platform?" I asked.

He nodded. "Well just watch my brothers." I told him. He just looked at me with emerald eyes confused. Poor lad.

"Oi! Kathy! Let's go! Mum's waiting!" Percy said. "I'm really sorry! I have to go! You can come with us. It's okay, Mum wouln't mind."

I motioned him to follow us. And he did.

"Mum! This boy is lost. He can't find the 9 3/4! Could he come with us?" I asked.

"Yes dear." Mum told him. "Come along, Fred. We haven't got all day." Mum said.

"I'm not Fred! He's Fred!" Fred pointed to his brother. "I'm George! Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother?" Oh, Fred. Just because Mum can't see you have dimples doesn't mean you could get past me...

"Sorry George!" Mum said. Yup. Mum can't see it.

As 'George' prepared to run through the barrier, 'George' said, "Only joking. I'm Fred." And he pushed through.

The boy shook his head.

I leaned over. "Yeah, I know. That's how I felt when my eldest brother went to Hogwarts." I said to him.

I watched as George went through. Then Percy.

I looked over at the boy again. "Best if you run, if you're nervous." I said to him. He gulped.

"Okay, you give it a try now." Mum said to him.

As he turned his trolley towards the barrier Ginny opened her mouth to say something but Ellie said it first. "Good luck!"

He turned around and looked at Ellie and blushed.

Hmm...Someone has a crush.

I mouthed to him 'Stop starring at my sister!' He blushed even redder. Yes! Mission accomplished!

He looked away and ran through.

"You next Ron!" Ron gulped and ran through.

"Okay, Kathy. Come on!"

Ginny suddenly jumped at me.

"Please don't go! It'll be lonely without you!" She said sobbing.

My heart cracked. "It'll be only just for the year! Before you know it I'll be right home."

"Promise?" Ginny said hiccuping.


"Ginny! For goodness sake! Let go of your sister! Why don't you be a good girl like Ellie and let your sister go on the train!" Mum said angrily.

I hugged Ginny once more and turned to Ellie then hugged her. "Always be a good girl Ellie. If you need help ask Mummy, Daddy or Ginny, okay? And I promise I'll write you and the rest of the family letters. Read them with Ginny okay?"

"Okay." A tear dripped down her cheek.

I hugged mum. "Don't be so hard on Ginny. It wasn't her fault." I whispered in her ear. "Love you mum! I'll watch out for the twins and Ron!"

I took a deep breath and pushed my trolley though Platform 9 3/4.

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