Flower on a High peak | Japan x South Korea

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she's my fucking friend. how could i not know that. 

south korea. she was charming, had a good sense of humor, and basically magnetic. anyone could fall for her. anyone, but mostly guys. and she was my friend. we would have a reputation of being the best popular girls at school, other people thinking that we could pick some random hot guy from our class and literally start dating them in less than two minutes. 

then there was this odd sensation that i got whenever i talked to her on the phone and at the end of the call, we would say, bye, love you, see you tomorrow.

it felt like i only met her for the first time and she was already saying love you. this weird feeling that made me want to kiss— wait, i'm a girl, i said upon realizing that i did not understand anything about me being gay.

when i understood i was like, hey, if i'm gay, i can just come up to a crowd and say, hey, i'm gay. 

nope. i decided i needed to hide my pride even more when homophobic slurs around the school campus were heard. some random guy holding another guy's hand? a random dude in the area would say very loudly."oh. my. god. that is so disgusting. i will not get asked out by this pervert." it was said in such a tone that i literally wanted to slap their face but i should just shut up and stay in the closet.

and there was another thing, i wasn't in love with just a girl, that girl was south korea. my friend who's straighter than a ruler. but i could just get over it at some point. i mean, there's still a chance.

that's when i saw north korea, one of those 'hot' guys, as labeled by those squealing fangirls, staring at south korea from the other lunch table. south wasn't facing them, so only i saw them. i had another odd sensation. jealousy? nah. i overheard him and those other 'hot' guys rambling about how north was going to ask south to prom and how epic it was going to be.

well shit. south eventually said yes, jumping up and down, basically your normal teenager in love. "north asked me to prom. like, oh my god. that's so fetch. i'm gonna curl up in a fetus position and fuckin' melt!"

so, uh, yeah. i was technically screwed at this point. basically,

i'm gay and if i come out of the closet in front of everyone my reputation's gonna go boom and fall lower than my grades. the entire school knowing that the super popular girl has homosexual tendencies? unimaginable. homphobia everywhere, everyday.

south korea already fell for someone else. if she's happy with him, i can't stop her. and she is my friend. without the 'girl' at the beginning. if i tell her about those odd sensations i get with her everything would be awkward.

well, life sure sucks, doesn't it?

wait, i was with my thoughts the whole time? oh shit. i sound so emo with my thoughts. oh my god i'm in a bathroom. oh my god i'm wearing my prom dress. oh my god and it's wet. did i have sex with someone, and is that why it's wet? ew. oh wait, i was crying. oh. oh. oh my god someone's knocking on the door. 

the bathroom door didn't open since it was locked, but i could hear a voice behind the door.

"hey, you okay? you've been in the bathroom for a long time, japan." it was south korea. well, shit.

"i'm on my period," i say, audible enough for her to hear.

"do you need anything? i have some extra ones in my bag."

"no thanks, i already have some. it's just cramps that's bothering me. have fun with north." oh wow, i sound emo.

"okay, bye.." she replied, pausing for a while before saying something. "..love you." and i could hear her leaving the area.

so i've been in the bathroom for a long time preoccupied by my thoughts and crying? oh, cool. oh wait, nevermind, my mascara's probably smudged. ew, i might look like a toddler doing makeup. oh, great. i'm sobbing and coughing and crying at the same time. ew, it's gonna get on my dress. 

i get up and look at the mirror. yep, smudged mascara and stuff. well, i could just wash it off, right? it took a while but i managed to remove it and re-apply my makeup. because i always keep my makeup kit with me.

is it worth it to go outside? i mean, i can't just stay here in the bathroom crying about my crush sounding like a whale giving birth. but i also can't stand looking at my crush slash friend dancing with north korea. 

uuuhhhmmm yeah i'm just gonna get out and pretend like nothing happened.

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