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After six long hours of labour, Holly and Clint sat next to each other in a hospital bed with their little girl swaddled in her mother's arms and Holly's head resting on his shoulder.

They had been sitting there for half an hour in a comfortable silence aside from the occasional coo from Holly whenever the child became restless. A gentle knock on the door alerted them and Annie poked her head into the room. She smiled at the two of them and approached the bed. Upon catching sight of the baby's face around the blanket, her eyes widened, and she looks between the three of them.

"That was quick," was the first thing she said to them.

"Hey," Holly raised her eyebrows at her, "it wasn't easy." Annie circled the bed to pull up a chair next to her.

"I bet. What's her name?" Holly stroked her fingers over the baby's tiny toes and smiled fondly.

"Hope." She didn't look away from her daughter, grateful for the child in her arms. Finally, as if only just remembering what had happened back at home, she laughed and looked up at Annie. "Would you believe this bozo tried to propose to me while I was experiencing contractions?" The two of them raised an eyebrow at Clint, he shrugged and poked his thumb at Holly.

"And this one thought her contractions were hunger pains, so I guess we're both a little mad."

Annie shook her head and slumped down in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose. Closing her eyes, she sighed to herself.

"You guys don't like to take your time, do you? You've only been dating for nine months." Clint's mouth fell agape and his hold on Holly tightened. He feigned offence and his spare arm came around to hug her tighter.

"She's been my best friend for twelve years!" Grinning and shifting herself and the baby into a more comfortable position, Holly nods and looks up at him.

"And I've loved him for ten."

"Aw, babe." He gives her a chaste kiss to the lips, the two of them lingering long enough to make Annie fidget in her seat and clear her throat.

"I hope Hope doesn't mind, but I'd like to hold her while you two... do your thing." Accepting the small child, Annie cradles her close to her chest and lowers her head to speak to the sleeping infant. "Good luck, Hope."

Holly and the ArcherWhere stories live. Discover now