Chapter 14

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Dear Diary:

Our pack flooded during the huge storm. We had to stay with Aiden and Abigail in their castle, speaking of them, they are stepping down from the throne and this Rick Dane guy is the new ruler, Abigail has the weird feeling about him.

And since Aiden and Abigail have no place to stay, they joined our pack.

Aurora Rose, my baby, was born. She's almost 3 months old.

We got our new land for free from Aiden and Abigail.

Chase and I are having problems, I think we should really see therapy.

Chase walked into our house.

Speaking of Chase.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?"

"You know how we've been having arguments?"


"I think we should take therapy."


"Like couple therapy. What do you think?"

"Why do you think this? You are the one who starts the arguments!"

"Excuse me!?"

"Well you asked for my opinion!"

"I asked for Chase's opinion, not this douche you've been since Aurora was born!"

"I have not been a douche!"

"If you don't think you've been a douche, then you're wrong!"

"You are the one who's been in a mood!"

"A mood!?"


"I've just been trying to help people!"

"When are you gonna get it through your head!? You can't help everyone, Lola. You can barely keep everyone safe!"

"If you think this, then you can get the hell out of my pack!"


"You heard it, Mr. Know-It-All!"

"You know what fine! I'm leaving and not coming back!"

He grabbed his stuff and stormed out of the pack gates.

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