Chapter 5

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Maddi entered the tent, "What is going on?"

"Your sister is going into labor," The nurse, Adrianna, said.

"How long since you saw Lady Fraccle?"

"3 months," I try catch my breath.

"Wow! Time flies around here."

"Ahh!" I scream.

Chase squeezed my hand.

"You are only at 4 centimeters, this is gonna take a while. You two get comfy and I'll be here when you need it."

"I'm going to tell the pack, is that ok?" Maddi asked me.

"Of course," Chase answered.

Maddi headed out and Chase and I stayed silent before I yelled in pain.

~A couple of hours later~

"You are at 10 centimeters, are you ready to be a mother?"

I gulp and nod even though I really scared for everthing that's about happen. 

"We are here, Lola. We got you if you need us," Chase reassured.

"Now you have to push."

"Ahh!" I scream.

"What's that?" Chase questioned.

"Her legs. The baby girl is breach, she's going to need a C section."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that we have to cut into Lola's stomach to get the baby," Adrianna explained.

Now I'm even more frighten.

"Everything is going to be ok."

Adrianna grabbed a knife and couple of other doctors came in to help with the C section.

It hurt, but not that bad. They started grabbing the baby girl's arms and then legs. It felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders when they cut the umbilical cord.

She was crying, when they placed her in my arms I was crying.

Chase held her next and they started snitching my stomach up.

Maddi came in and held her and she cried.

"Do you have any names?" Doctor Jaxson smiled.

I look at Chase and he looks at me, "No, but we'll figure it out."

"Aurora," Maddi suggested.

"I like Aurora," Said Chase.

"Aurora Rose," I looked at Maddi and she stared back at me, "After Luna."

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