Part 1

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Clouds are swirling around the milky black sky as the scent of fresh rain hits me the moment I leave my apartment. I've always loved the smell of rain. Somehow, things seem better after rain. Cleaner, somehow.The night air is cold and I pull on my overcoat tighter as I head down to take the train. There is a serene vibe in the air. It's almost midnight and maybe everything seems calm because the city is asleep, and yet strangely still alive all at the same time. The idea of living in the city has always intrigued me. As soon as I saved up enough money, I got a place in the heart of San Francisco. It's not much, but it's home and I have all the necessary comforts I need.

I keep walking and impatiently check my phone, one, two, and three times.I've been waiting for a text from a friend and finally when I emerge from the train it comes.

Hey Mila,

He's a a first timer, but Clint can vouch for him. You might not get anything out of him, he just needs company, a warm body-- you know how guys are. I've got your location so if anything call me, I'm a couple floors beneath you. -A

I sigh. It's not the information I wanted but knowing she's near is comforting. I enter and give the name to the front desk. Places like these are strangely high in security, which I appreciate.

I enter the elevator which has beautiful white marble flooring. It's the kind with mirrors on the ceiling. The railing is gold and shiny and it smells not at all the way an elevator should smell. It smells like roses and rainwater.

I head up to the 20th floor, which I realize is the presidential suite. Wow. "Big Money, huh" I say to myself as I enter the empty hallway. The hallway is dimly lit and gives the impression that someone could pop out around a corner at any moment so I made my way quickly to the end of the hall.

I take a breath and knock on the door and the person who opens it is not at all what I imagined they'd look like. He's tall, teary eyed, and has brown curly hair. He's in black dress pants and a dress shirt, with the black tie loosened around his neck. He wipes his eyes, "Sorry, come on in. I lost track of time." He steps aside and I enter. The room is beautiful, with a view of the city that one would kill for. I can't complain about my view but this-- this is the dream.

"No worries," I say as I made my way closer to the glass window. "Can I get you anything, to drink?" he asks.

"Sure, water is fine."

He sets down water on the table and I sit next to him.

"Thanks, for coming. I-- just so you know I've never, I've never done this before." He fiddles with the wedding ring on his hand and notices that I'm looking at it.

"I'm.. I'm not married, I mean I technically am, but.. I.. she.. we're getting a divorce," the sadness in his voice is palpable and I take my hand and rub his neck gently. He shudders at my touch and looks at me.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm here for whatever you need...." I say.

"Oh.. that reminds me... do I.. pay you now.. or?"

"Leave the money in an envelope in the bathroom and I'll get it on my way out," I say as I continue to rub his neck.

"You seem really tense..."

He moves away from me and I realize he's uncomfortable. "I'm sorry.. I... is it okay if we just.. talk first?"

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

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