Chapter four

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Sitting up I rubbed my eyes, my arms groaning and screaming in discontent. This scene is all too familiar, me waking up in the medical room In the middle of the night after an injury? Wow. Seems to be a reoccurring event lately. All of my wounds have been healed by the doc, but I'm still extremely sore.
Considerably so, I looked to my right to see a familiar figure laying on the edge of the med bed. Aizawa. A smile crept sneakily onto my face. An odd warmth spread throughout my body...Is this, love? I stroked Aizawa's long locks as he slept. He cared. When those awful, merciless students hadn't. He had, though I do believe he hadn't had much of a choice.

  "You know, i'm glad I met you. So glad, Aizawa. Not quite sure what I would've done if.." I allowed my whisper to trail off into nothing. What Would I have done if I hadn't come to UA, hadn't met him, hadn't survived?

"I'm glad I met you too sweetheart...Do you- Do you know how scared I was?" I listened as Aizawa mumbled groggily into the bed. My fingers still running their course in his Dark hair.

  "I know ba- , Aizawa, I know Aizawa. I was too, if im being honest." I murmured, leaning my head back into my pillows.

                                                                   AIZAWA'S POV

   I listened as she spoke, I remember the horror in her eyes as she fell unconscious, as I held her. The tears that had stained her pale cheeks. The bruises that had covered her beautiful skin. I wanted nothing more than to take the pain she had felt away, no use now of course.

I sighed, before lifting my head to meet Blakes cold hard glare. She was mad.. no, seething with fury. My eye brows pursed as I watched her glare at her blanket. Her fists that had once been in my hair now gripping the blanket covering her.

"You are angry. Why?" I questioned her, angling my head to the side.

Her hair framed her face, and moved as she shook with anger. Hot tears fell down her face, alarming me. I rushed out of my seat. My arms wrapped around her as i sat beside her in the tiny med bed.

" I SAVED..them" She whispered angrily, leaning into my embrace. I frowned.

"I know darling, are...mad?" I asked carefully, the smallest upset could make her lashout in the state she's in as of now.

She stared into my eyes.

"I SAVED them. YOU guys asked them.. asked them if anyone else was missing. They KNEW I was gone!! THEY KNEW IT!!!! THEY WERE GOING TO L E A V E ME! A-alone. I saved them and they just disregarded my safety and-" She screamed, hitting her hand on my chest as I held her, attempting to restrain her.

"Shh shh..Its okay. I- Im sorry they did that." I spoked quietly as I stroked her hair. She finally quit struggling and calmed into my arms.

All I could say. My soulmate upset and all I can do is.. is say that im sorry?

"Ah If it consoles you any, not everyone did that, Deku helped us look for you, Todoroki and Bakugo were worried." I spoke softly.

Blake lifted her head and sniffled "Okay." She had a whisper of a smile on her face. I figure that she's feeling somewhat better now.

"You get some rest, I have some business to attend to." I grumbled letting go of her. She merely nodded. I shuffled out of the room and down the hallway. A drink is required If im going to face those students tomorrow. I respect my students, though I am ticked off that they would ditch a fellow student.

My heavy footsteps sounded through the hallway. "Those Brats." I grunted when I saw the door to my classroom open.


This chapter is kinda short, sorry about that, I usually get to 1000 words at least. Ive been a bit preoccupied recently. Ill try and make the next one extra long! Stay safe.

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