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They patched Alison against all rules and graced her with a joint Vice President patch. They changed their minds and gave her a real cut with real patches and real leather.

"We have a gun run today," Jax told Alison as she smoked her cigarette against the bar.

"Way to fucking tell me, Jackson." She snapped, glaring at her brother.

"You aren't letting me finish," He hissed. She stared at him as his expression softened. "You said it yourself; you will never drive a Harley." They both laughed. "That'll have to change soon, you know."

"I know. I'll follow in the Mustang?"

"Yeah, sounds good. You carry most of the bigger ones. Everyone is going to have rolled up blankets with handguns on the backs of their bikes."

"Taking backroads?" She questioned, putting her cigarette out in the overflowing ashtray.

"Yeah, you're gonna be in the centre and we'll be split between the front and back of you."

"Okay, yeah, no problem."

"Be ready in one hour."


"Alison?!" Juice called through the clubhouse.

"She's out loading guns," Opie mumbled. Juice nodded and jogged out to her car.

"Are you seriously going?" He asked her, leaning against her satin black Mustang.

"I have to," she spoke, pushing a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "I'm part of this now."

"We're ready!" Jax yelled. Alison grabbed Juice's face and kissed him.

"I love you." She said to him. The only reason he was freaking out was that he wasn't going to be on this run with her. Clay needed him looking up shit on Zobelle and his crew, and Juice honestly didn't have a problem with that.

"I love you too," he said back to her almost immediately. He pecked her lips softly and quickly. "Here," he handed her his gun. "I don't really feel okay with you being out there without a gun." She grinned and kissed him again.

"Get in the fucking car, let's go!" Jax yelled at them, a teasing tone to his voice. Ali smiled as Juice smacked her butt and ran into the clubhouse.


Tig pulled up to her window while they were driving down the one highway on their route.

"It's the Nords. There's about eight of them. We'll take care of--" He was interrupted by one of the Nazis shooting at the door of her Mustang.

"Fuck that," she said. The boys scared off everyone but the wannabe Nazi shooting at Ali's car, which angered her. Anyone who knew Ali knew she loved her car like she would her child. She slammed her foot on the brakes and stopped her car with a hideous screech. She immediately shot the man in the leg causing him to lose control of his bike and hit the ground.

"Alison, get back in the car, now!" Jax hissed at the angry five-foot-four-inched girl. She cocked her gun and looked at the stupid Nord.

"Allison Teller?" The guy spoke in gasps. He burst into a fit of laughter. "Friends told me you're a good fuck."

"Oh, really?" She laughed hastily and stood on the Nord's wound. He bellowed in pain.

"Allison!" Jax snapped. He knew touching her would warrant a fight between the siblings. Ali aimed her gun at the man that writhed on the side of the highway.

"I can handle it." She looked at the Nord. "You fucked with my club, you fucked with my money, and you shot at my car. I fucking love my car." She shot his leg and stepped on it, digging her heel into the wound. "Your friends that say I fuck good? They better hope that they're the ones who find you, and maybe they get the message not to fuck with the Sons."

"Ali--" Her brother tried to stop her, but she shot the Nord multiple times in the face. She moved what was left of the whiteboy's face to retrieve the shell casings and check his tattoos.

"Chibs get her home, now." Jax seethed.


"What happened back there darlin'?" Chibs queried as he rubbed her back in an effort to calm her.

"I lost it," she cried. "That was one of the guys who attacked me." She looked into her car and grabbed Juice's gun from the front seat.

"Shit, fuck..." She paced. Juice ran out to her when he saw the Mustang.

"Woah, what happened?" He asked, observing the bullet holes along the driver's side. Chibs sighed when Ali's hands got so shaky that she dropped the gun.

"Get rid of it, Juice," she whispered, alarming him. he took the gun from her, noticing the blood on the gun and Ali's hands. "I can't do this." She took her black heels off her feet and threw them in her car, running into the clubhouse.

"What happened?" Juice asked Chibs.

"Your woman just viciously just killed a man."

𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛, 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚢𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚋.Where stories live. Discover now