Kian Lawley (sad)

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"Well, I don't like it when you text other guys when we hang out." Said Kian. "God, your too over protective, it was just my friend. You text Andrea all the time and I never say anything about it." You say back. You and Kian we're hanging out at the o2l house and were fighting because you were texting your best guy friend, Jake. "Well, maybe if you actually spent more time with me, I wouldn't always be texting her!" said Kian. "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERNT ALWAYS ON TOUR AND ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND, MAYBE IT WOULD BE A LITTLE DIFFERENT." I screamed back. Kian ran up to me and tried to grab a hold of my wrist but I pulled away. He grabbed me again, but his grip was too strong. He pulled me on the couch and softly spoke, "I'm sorry Y/N, your right. I should spend more time with you. I wa-" that's when you lost it. "KIAN IM SO DONE WITH YOUR LIES. IM LEAVING." You screamed. "No! Y/N stop!" But he was too late. You ran outside the house and onto the streets of LA. You roamed around, and eventually got lost. You called all your friends, mom, dad, brother, even Jake, but no one would pick up. The last person you could call was Kian. You click on his contact and call him. "Kian, I'm really sorry for yelling at you. I'm kinda lost right now can you please pick me up?" Then Kian replies, "anything for you babe. I love you so much and I will try to spend more time with you." You were about to tell him where you were and all of a sudden you hear a loud and long honk and bright lights and everything goes black. The last thing you hear is Kian's voice through the phone saying how much he loves you and how he'll risk his life for you. And then, everything went black. You wake up, well, sort of. You can hear and feel things, but you can't talk or see. You hear Kian beside you, crying and you don't know why. You don't know where you are until it all came back and hit you. You and Kian got into a fight and you finally called him saying you were sorry and he was going to pick you up and as you were crossing the road, you were hit by a car. You hear Kian sniffling and start to talk. "Y/N, I know you can't hear me right now, but just listen. This is all my fault. If I didn't just let you text your best guy friend, we would be on your couch watching a horror movie and I would be the one cuddling into your arms because I'm scared and your the one who's not. We could be at an amusement park and you would be the one wanting to go on the biggest coaster in the park, meanwhile I'd want to go on the small rides. These are the little things that I love about you and I really wish it was me who got hit by that car and not you because you don't deserve it. Im the one who got mad and I deserve the punishment. I don't know how I'll move on with life without you Y/N, and I want you to know that I love you so much." You finally speak very softly, "I love you Kian, and no one can ever replace you." And then you hear Kian start to cry. He calls for the doctors saying that your awake. You stay there for another week, and Kian stays there the entire time. He sleeps with you, helps you eat, brings you big teddy bears and you realize how you would not be able to live without him. Once you get home, you and Kian lie down and watch 'Finding Nemo' and once the movie was over Kian asked you a question. "Y/N, back at the hospital, did you hear everything I said?" You smile and reply, "yes, every word of it and no one has ever said anything like that to me before and I realized that I couldn't live without you either. It shouldn't have been you instead of me. I love you." You say, crying in his shoulder. "I love you Y/N, good night my beautiful princess."

That was so sad, but it had a happy ending :) if you want your name to be replaced by Y/N, I'll be taking request. I'll also be taking requests for the 'Preferences' love y'all💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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