Chapter 2: London

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On Monday, Clarke and Lexa were on their way to Westminster, where the latter had reserved a suite for them to spend one night in the Corinthia London hotel. They had taken a train from Paris that morning and after a two and a half hour ride, they arrived at the St Pancras International station and were now in a taxi, headed towards one of the top luxury hotels in central London.

The reason for the trip was actually Val, Lexa's friend, who had insisted that she wanted to meet Clarke and wouldn't take no for an answer. The couple didn't mind at all, in fact, they found the timing perfect, since there seemed to be more and more paparazzi circuling around in Paris, trying to take a photo of them leaving the hotel. Luckily, they had managed to do that unseen, thanks to the hotel chauffeur, who had picked them up at the hotel's back entrance and drove them to the Paris Gare du Nord station in a vehicle with tinted windows.

Lexa's hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a black baseball cap and sunglasses, trying to avoid being recognized. She and Clarke had one backpack each with just one change of clothes and the basic hygiene products, as they would only stay in London until the afternoon of the following day.

They checked in at 1 pm and once they were in their room, Lexa called Val to make plans to meet with her and her boyfriend Jacob for lunch.

After taking a 25-minute stroll in the direction of the Buckingham Palace, Clarke and Lexa found the Lebanese restaurant Nouf, near Victoria station, where they had made a reservation earlier and went inside to wait for the other couple.

Not long after that, a smile cropped up on Lexa's face when she saw her friend Val entering the establishment and stood up hastily to welcome her with a warm hug. 

She was a petite, vibrant blonde with an elegant body and big blue eyes, whereas her boyfriend Jacob was a tall, good-looking robust man with brown hair, strong jaw and kind eyes.

"It's so good to see you, Lexie!" Val said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"You too!" Lexa replied, excited to see her friend after almost a year.

"Thank God for these conventions in Europe, otherwise you would forget all about me... especially now that you're a big time Hollywood star and all that," she said playfully, winking at Lexa.

"Don't listen to her, Lexa," Jacob joined the conversation. "This is her way of showing how excited she is to meet your girlfriend," he said before he stood between them and gave Lexa a strong hug.

"Yeah... speaking of which..." Val raised her eyebrows and looked at Clarke, who was standing behind Lexa.

"Sorry, yes..." Lexa turned around and smiled at her girlfriend. "Clarke... I'd like you to meet my friend Val."

"Hi," Clarke smiled as she approached Val, extending her arm to recieve her hand in a handshake.

"Oh, come on..." Val said, her arms open wide. "Lexa told me you're a hugger... come here," she smiled as she wrapped her arms Clarke, who was pleasently surprised by the warm welcome.

"And this is Jacob, Val's boyfriend..." Lexa continued with the introdution.

"Nice to meet you, Clarke!" he smiled and gave her a hug as well.

"Nice to meet you both," Clarke said before they sat down at the table.

"You were right, Lexie..." Val spoke again and they all looked at her, waiting for her to continue her thought. "She smells amazing!" 

Clarke could feel the heat in her cheeks as she took a sip of water and was about to thank Val for the compliment when Lexa replied instead.

"Told ya," she smiled contently.

We'll always have Paris - PART 2 (CLEXA AU)Where stories live. Discover now