Nymeria knew that they had been heard.

'Damn the loud Orc.' She thought.

'It gave away our position.'

"The Dwarf-scum are over there!" Nymera's ears twitched, she gave Gandalf a look.

"Lle-cin tegi- amen na Imladris (Can you lead us to Rivendell?)" She asked. Gandalf nodded.

"After them!"

The wargs change course and sped to where the sound came from.

"Move run!" Gandalf yelled.

Even though they were far away from the wargs, the beasts were excellent trackers. Furthermore, they were very sensitive to a dwarf's scent.

'I think we are in trouble' the first voice stated, 

'Gee, you think?' said the second sarcastically.

"Quickly!" Nymeria heard Gandalf shout.

Suddenly they stopped abruptly, they were surrounded.


Nymeria raised her bow, along with Kili, and shot with precision, taking down one Orc every time.

"Where is Gandalf?" She could hear a dwarf say.

"He has abandoned us." She heard another reply.

Nymeria could see the lead rider advancing towards them. The youngest shot a stone towards him, which proved affectless.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin shouted, "Nightshade bring them down!"

Nymeria raised her bow to shoot any orc that dared to come in her range.

"This way you fool!" Called Gandalf who appeared behind a bolder.

"Quickly all of you!" Thorin yelled.

One by one, all the dwarves and a hobbit slid down the sandhill to who knows where. A warg advanced on them, Nymeria shot another arrow at it, successfully bringing it down. Kili kept on shooting as well.

"KILI!" His uncle shouted, "RUN!"

"Wow, you guys care so much about me." Commented Nymeria, with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

As the twins slid down, Thorin slid in after them. Nymeria huffed.

"Shall we have a little fun before I go down?" She asked.

"Master wants you alive, she-elf. But he didn't say if I could not hurt you." Said lead Orc baring his teeth.

The wars advanced, running at her with full speed. Nymeria slowly un-sheathed her sword. Ringil glowed an ice blue, the wargs howled, like the sword was affecting them somehow. As the first one neared her.

Nymeria took a run headfirst at the warg. As it leaped to rip her apart, Nymeria jumped high in the air and flipped as she sliced Ringil through the warg in two halves. As she landed her hood fell off, once again revealing her blonde hair and her face.

She charged at the second warg, she slid on her knees and ducked under the warg's body, swinging her sword above her. 


Warg guts barely missed her as she quickly slid out from under the now dead warg.

Two other wargs charged together, she somersaulted over the first one and brought Ringil on the second one. The last thing that the second warg saw, was the icy blue colour of Ringil before it was destroyed. Turning around after the second was dead, Nymeria heaved her sword out of the warg's body and swung her sword in a horizontal motion, halving the airborne warg's mouth. Dark red blood spewed from the warg. It was a truly disgusting sight. 

The leftover wargs and warg riders were hesitant to me her, fearing that they will meet their end by the scarred woman's blade. Just then a horn sounded in the distance, 'elves' Nymeria thought and she raced toward the sandhill and slid down into the darkness. 


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