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I believe little things matter more than some big ones. Actually, I find that little things have a more substantial impact on our lives than anything because they might start small, but they grow and become your whole world. Like, I don't know, a small paper cut might seem dumb, but they hurt way more than what it looks.

Ok, I am babbling. Do I even make any sense?

I mean, of course, if anyone punches you in the face like they were Rambo, that shit would hurt more than a tad paper cut, but that's not the point. I mean, you would think that a cut would not bother you or be unnoticeable in your life, but it's not.

I believe the little things build the foundation for a lot of things in life.

Henry was my paper cut.

Who was now becoming uncomfortably big, Rambo's punches got nothing on him.

"I need to use the bathroom," I say, changing the song on the car and trying not to look at him.

"You literally went when we left." He said like that meant I never had to go again, ever.

"I can't control it," I say and change the song again. It was like every time I lied, I pressed next.

"Yes, you can. Otherwise, Baby would have felt it." He said and tapped at the car wheel, and I rolled my eyes.

We've been driving for a bit more than an hour, but the traffic was terrifying. And since I was freaking out since my realization that I might more than like Henry, I drank way more water than I should have.

Way more.

"If you don't stop on the next resting area, I'll pee on her," I said, and I change the song again.

Somebody help me.

I take a quick side glance at him, and he rolls his eyes, and I settle on the song 'Señorita' because if I change it again, he would be suspicious. I don't know what he would be wary about, but I don't want to risk it.

I don't even like this song.

But I might like Henry. This is ridiculous, he's my best friend for god's sakes, why am I even nervous? It's not like we are uncomfortable around each other. And it is not like I have never been next to a guy I liked. Why can't I act like a normal person? I keep moving on my seat and trying not to look at him like I was a dancing frog.

Dancing frog? What even, Sophie?

Okay, calm down.

But then when Camilla Cabello sang, " You say we're just friends, but friends don't know the way you taste," I changed the song again, cursing. You are not helping Camilla, my life is not a joke.


I need to call Liza, and I do just that.

"I think I left my glasses on the airplane." She says answering the phone extremely fast, I didn't know exactly what to say.

"Buy a new one," I said, trying to rationalize how I could tell her I was freaking out over liking Henry as he was sitting right next to me.

"Yeah, but I really liked that one, so many memories." She said, and I hear her brother's voice in the background. "What's up?"

"I need to talk about, hm... Zack." What? I glance at Henry, and his hands tighten around Baby. He moves on his seats.

"Didn't we cover that like, a few hours ago?"

he was her favourite movie | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now