Family Introductions

Start from the beginning

Ruby: Easy peasy.

(Y/N) walked through the hallway and into the lounge room where Candace was sat on the sofa, finishing an episode of American Idol. Ruby followed him, but stayed hidden in the hallway.

(Y/N): Mum?

Candace turned her head towards (Y/N). She stood up in shock.

(Y/N): Woah woah woah, what's wrong?

Candace: You look so much older.

Of course (Y/N) looked older to his mother. He had grown three and a half months within two hours of his dimension.

Candace: You need to fix that hair of yours. It looks like you've been in a fight.

(Y/N) did indeed just participate in a fight, in another dimension, against Cinder Fall. But it was unlikely the he was going to retell that entire experience to Candace.

(Y/N): Mum... I'll fix it later. About the girl you heard...

Candace: Yes. Who is it?

(Y/N): She's... my...

Ruby: I'm his girlfriend!

Ruby pops her head out from the hallway and then happily walks to join (Y/N).

(Y/N): I was gonna tell her.

Ruby: You were taking too long.

Candace: My son's got a girlfriend?!

Candace's eyes start to water from happiness.

(Y/N): Mum, please don't.

Candace: Took you long enough.

(Y/N): Mum, are you trying to embarrass me?

Ruby started to chuckle due to Candace's line. She covered her mouth to muffle her laughs.

Candace: What's your name then?

Ruby: Ruby, Ruby Rose.

Candace: And I'm Candace, (Y/N)'s Mum.

(Y/N): I think she can tell.

Candace rolled her eyes. Ruby snickered.

Candace: You and your sarcastic jokes. Am I not allowed to be proud of my son?

(Y/N): No.

Ruby snickered once again. Candace turns her head towards her only child.

Candace: When did you let her in? I swear I didn't hear the door open.

(Y/N): Uhh...  She got here about... an hour ago.

Candace looked back at Ruby.

Candace: Well... I was about to start making dinner, would you like to stay for that?

Ruby happily nodded.

Ruby: Yeah sure, I can.

Candace: OK, I better start getting dinner ready then.

Candace walked towards the kitchen in one of the happiest moods (Y/N) has ever seen her in.


One Hour Later...

Candace: You know...

The three of them were halfway through eating dinner, which was spaghetti bolognese. Candace looked at Ruby while starting her sentence. Ruby looks up from her bowl. (Y/N) pays close attention.

Candace: I can't help but feel like I seen you before.

(Y/N) begins to internally panic.

(Y/N): Really? From where?

Candace: I think (Y/N) has a picture of you on his wall, above his computer.

Ruby and (Y/N) looked at each other in worry. Candace was talking about the RWBY poster. Luckily, Candace didn't know exactly what she was talking about.

Candace: How long have you two been a thing?

Ruby: A little over three months.

Candace performs a spit take, but without the water.

Candace: Three months! (Y/N)! Why haven't you told me sooner? When were you planning to tell me.

(Y/N): Uhh... why'd you think I called her over here for?

Candace: Three months... that picture I saw must be of you and her then.

(Y/N): Sure... let's go with that.

Candace: (Y/N), did you end up getting that machine working? The multi... whatever you called it.

(Y/N): Yeah- No... it doesn't work, Ruby is smart with mechanics and stuff, so I called her over to help. But-

Ruby: But I told him doing something like that is impossible.

Candace: So... you listen to your girlfriend instead of me... OK, I see where I stand.

(Y/N): Jeez Mum. 

The three of them started to laugh. 

Candace: You're good with mechanics? No wonder (Y/N) likes you. He's been working on that machine of his for about a year.

Soon after that, the three of them finished their meals, Ruby and (Y/N) handed their bowls to Candace to was while they went back to (Y/N)'s room.

(Y/N): So, what do you want to do now?

Ruby: Can we quickly head back to Remnant. I wanna see my friends cuz' you know.

(Y/N): No worries, I got you.

(Y/N) started to search Wattpad for Brodster36, to his surprise, he found Brodie's account and copied the first half of chapter twenty of "RWBYxMReader" into his multidimensional transporter. He went to press the start button on his keyboard. However, Ruby stopped him halfway.

Ruby: After that, I wanna check out Earth a bit more.

(Y/N) and Ruby's eyes met. (Y/N) could see how much Ruby wanted that.

(Y/N): Sure thing, but you're going to wear causal clothing instead of that.

(Y/N) eyed up and down Ruby's combat outfit for the Beacon Arc of the web show.

Ruby: What's wrong with this?

(Y/N): You'll get recognised, and asked how you got here. Which is one of the things the me from the MPF warned us about.

Ruby: OK then, we'll need to go to the shops here then. I only brought two outfits to Beacon, and both of them are for combat.

(Y/N): That's very you like.

Ruby chuckled as (Y/N) hit the multidimensional transporter's start button.

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