Chapter 9

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Casey's POV

I looked at Avery with wide teary eyes and saw her clenching her jaws and hands together. I know for sure she is going to kill him because the Avery I know is very lethal when it comes to protecting me, you may see her as a sarcastic little shit and some times gets degraded by some people because she's intersex but to me no she's not a freak she's unique but in her own ways.

I walked slowly towards the janitors closet I was about to open the door when Avery stopped me she shook her head telling me not to I was about to protest but she just pushed me behind her and opened the door for herself.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Max looked at me with wide eyes quickly pulling up his pants. "It's not what it looks like babe," he said trying to touch me but before he reached me he went down with a thud. Avery suddenly got on top of him and start throwing punches after punches," YOU CAN DO WHATEVER TO ME BUT YOU DARE HURT HER I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" she said with so much rage. I quickly pulled her away from me," don't you're going to kill him." "Good riddance then!"

He stood up and start laughing he pointed at her," wow I didn't know you could throw a punch like that damn you're Good, from all the time I was beating you up I thought you were a weak freak!"


I'm so confused right now I don't know what they're talking about but now isn't a time to be confused. I looked at him,"Why?"

He looked at me," I have needs you wouldn't even let us go any further it's frustrating."

"So you just wanted me for sex?" I fucking loved You! You're so sick and selfish how can you do this to me?" By now the tears have stopped coming.

" We're over! Don't ever contact me or even talk to me I don't want to see you face again you're nothing but just a horny bastard." I took Avery's hand and walked out.

"Oh wow now you're finally going to be with the freak? I mean I saw it coming but I didn't know it would be that fast for you to move on," he laughs to himself.

I froze on the spot I turned to him with clench fist and shocked eyes," what did you just call her?"

"What? A freak ? Isn't she one come on don't you think she's one, come on who the fuck was born as a girl with a male genitals? That's abnormal!" He looked at her with so much disgust.

For as long I've known Avery when someone calls her a freak she completely shuts down she lets it get to her even thou she's a strong her but when that word is thrown at her she just couldn't take it anymore.

Letting my anger take control I threw a hard punch on his nose making it bleed. "She's not a freak ok! At least from what I've just seen she's definitely bigger then You!"

His face pales and I just dragged Avery out to the car park got inside and drove to the one place we both go to when something like this happens. I got out bought two ice creams and drove to the park. We sat down Avery haven't said any word yet and I'm scared she's not going to talk me, I can't let that happen again.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know he would say such things to you." No I'm the one who is sorry," she said sadly.

Frowning I asked "why are you sorry ? You didn't do anythi- "THAT'S THE THING I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" She yelled. I pulled her into me and hugged her tightly "Hey it's okay i- wait what was Max talking about? What beating?"

She looked at me sadly "Umm.. h-he bullies me every time you're not around "

"W-what do you mean he bullies You? W-why didn't you tell me about This?"

"You were in love with him, i didn't want to tell ruin what you had!"

"So you'd rather have him to beat me then you'd tell me then that I've been in an abusive relationship without knowing !"

She quickly turn her head towards me "I would never ever let him touch You!"

"Then stop blaming yourself please, we're both wrong " I was blinded by love that I didn't see the real him and you wanted to protect me by not telling me which is stupid because if you told me I would have dropped him right that second because you're my BEST FRIEND and I'd do anything for you!"

She gave out a long sigh and gave me a smile that could lit up any dark room. We hugged it out and stood up to return back home," wait do the girls know about you been bullied?"

She nodded " they wanted to tell you but I told them not to because I would tell you myself, I just couldn't bring myself to tell you I don't know how !" I'm so sorry for keeping it from you !"

I held her hand "it's okay i forgive you."

It's a good thing we live opposite each other, we reached my house and we say our goodbyes and I'm off to my house to freshen up before my parents comes home. I decided to make chicken chopsuey for dinner today to take my mind off things that just happened, so I brought out the ingredients and start making them chopping the chicken into the right size and marinate it with soy sauce , grate the garlic and ginger cut the onions into thin slices and heat the pot. After the pot is hot enough I pour little bit of oil, add the spices (garlic,ginger and onion) stir the pot and add the marinated chicken. After I know that the chicken is soft and cooked I take it off the stove and replace it with a frying pan, the vegetables is then fried one after the other first is the carrots (thin long pieces) when it's soft (not too soft) I pour it into a pot of cooked chocked then stir it then do the exact same thing to the cucumber. The last thing frying of Chinese noodles, when everything is inside the post of chicken stir it thoroughly to mix everything together. Right when I was setting the table my parents came in " Hey honey something smells good in here," mom said with a smile.

I smiled at them "I made dinner so hop in."

We sat down and start telling each other how our days went.

What's up people!!! How's everyone doing ? Sorry for the late update I'm dealing with a terrible toothache.

Any suggestion on how to cure it apart from getting it pulled out because it's my permanent tooth and it hurts like HELL!

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