Chapter 5

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Ellie's POV

When we reached the park, we start forming a group and start juggling around. I looked up and saw Avery talking to Sammy and caity she seems nervous so I go there to help her out. ' Hey Avery wanna go shoot some balls? " 'Ye-yeah that'll be nice..." Ok come on let's go.

I looked back and saw Sammy and caity with a smirk on their faces I just rolled my eyes at them and they both gave me a thumps up and laughed.

Avery looked back with a frown 'why are they laughing ?" 'Ummm...I don't know."

We reached in the middle of the ground and start passing to each other.

'Do you live near here?" 'Ummm..yeah just a 5 minute walk"

'Oh nice, this neighbourhood is nice so peaceful."

' Yeah it is actually, it's the whole reason why my mom wanted to move here because she likes the scenery, the quite..."

'Oh where did you guys moved from?"
'I'm a Sydney girl."

'Ah yeah sometimes the noise and traffic there is unbearable, good thing you guys moved."

'So what position do you play?" I'm a forward sometimes and then a goalie when needed."

'Nice, what school do you go to?" 'Ummm... Kingston High School ( made up )

'Isn't that a private school?" Yeah it is I'm mommy's girl, she said with a sad smile.

So what does your parents do ? ' My mom was a lawyer a very good one."

'Was?" 'Yeah she passed away when I was a kid."

'Oh I'm so sorry for your loss."

'It's okay you didn't know." She said with that beautiful smile of hers.

Wait beautiful? What is wrong with me?

'What about your dad?"

I saw her flinch

'Umm..he's an architect . " 'Woah you must be rich then."
Well of course Ellie she goes to a private school I said to myself. 'Sorry that's stupid."

She laughed out loudly,' no it's okay." She smiled

I looked around and spot caity and Sammy grinning while staring at us. I frown at them. What are they up to Now

So you're a goalie right?
'Yeah I am sometimes."
Want me to shoot some balls on You?

'Yeah that's fine." Ok so i went to Lyds( Lydia) to get a spare gloves from her. 'Why do you need one? I'm pretty sure you don't play goalie. But if you insist I can get the girls to shoot on you."

I rolled my eyes at her. ' You know I don't play goalie that's your job." It's for Avery I'm just helping her out."

'Oh okay I wanna see that."

I went over to her and toss her the gloves she thanked me, ' no problem." She stood between the post and position herself.

'You ready ?" Yeah.

I place the ball on the penalty spot and ready myself to shoot. I took a big breath and run up and shot the ball on the top left corner. I saw the ball roaring on top the left side and surprisingly I see hands that catches it not only that she also brought it down to her chest. I stood there with mouth hanged open, she just gave me a small smile, 'What?" 'Wh- wha-t how did you react so fast, I'm pretty sure a gave you a fast hard ball." By now the whole team stop juggling and looking at her like she was a mind reader cause she knew exactly where I was going to shoot and she did it with ease.    ' Umm.. I told you I have quick reflexes and that is nothing I do it all the time." Okay how can she think that that was nothing? No one else in the world can react that quickly !

'Hey can I try?" I looked to my left and see Kerr there.

'Umm...Yeah sure."

By now everyone came close to watch.

Sammy place the ball on the same spot and made her run. She went hard bottom right, and to our surprise she also caught the ball between her fingers.

'Well damn girl you're insane." She just gave out a little chuckle. Okay that was cute as fuck! She checked her watch and I saw her frown.

So I walked up to her to ask what the problem was. 'Hey everything alright?" 'Umm..Yeah I just have to get going, she gave me a sad smile.

'Oh yeah it's also getting late. She took off the gloves and gave it back to me.

'Want me to walk you to your house?" Oh no it's alright.
'You sure? I don't mind."
Yeah I am besides don't you guys have a curfew or something she said with a teasing smile.

I gave out a laugh ' Yeah we do."

We are now standing in front of the cafe she works at. 'Okay I'll see you when I see You."

I gave her a hug which caught her by surprise I just think she needed one.

'Give me your phone."

'Woah chill, i know we just met but you need to ask me out first on a date."

I blushed and push her lightly. 'Ahaha honestly give me your phone so we can hang out sometimes."

We exchange digits and I put mine as, Ellie ❤ and gave it back to her. She checked her phone and blushed, I laugh a little but when I checked mine I blushed deep red she left hers as, Avery 👅.

We looked at each other at start laughing out loud.

'Okay I better head home now." ' Yeah message me when you're home, Yeah? I will don't worry.

I watched her walk away. Damn that ass! I bit my lip.

I shook my head,what is wrong with Me? You just met her idiot. You can't possibly have a crush on her after a few minutes together.

'Ahhh manh young love." Kerr said beside me. 'What?

'You should ask her out." What are you talking about I don't like her like that.

'Tell that to your face when you saw her walking away because it was saying otherwise."

I just met her and I just felt like she needed a friend and that's all she'll  ever be. Saying that out loud hurts for some reason.

We all reached the hotel and I went straight to my room took a shower and dressed as a nike hoodie and grey sweats. 'Ellie lets go!" Lorgazo yells.

I put up my hair in a messy bun and we strolled to the conference room for a little meeting and then dinner.

Just as I sat down I got a message on my phone. I checked it and instantly smile it was Avery.

Avery👅: Hey just wanted you to know that I got home safely and bout to make some dinner.

I replied, good to know that you're safe. We just about to have a small meeting then head down for dinner. Chat later?

Avery👅: Yeah sure .

Damn all of a sudden my mood brighten.

What's up guys! Sorry about the late one I was busy the whole week because of the corona virus. I'm alright and so is my whole family.

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