Chapter 4

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After my shift was done, I looked up and saw that the matildas are still here goofing around. I scanned everyone around and my eyes landed on Ellie, something was on her mind because she looks so focused. Despite the frown on her face she looks breathtaking. Sighing I took off my apran and went to the back to Phil's office, I knocked and heard a slight 'come in' I went inside and saw Phil buried in paperwork. He looks up and looks back down . ' Hey I'm about to head home.' No you're not ! You're coming home with me this time. 'Wh- sorry what?' You heard me you're coming home with me. Besides Mary would love some company.

'You know I can't, dad will know that I'm missing I don't want you two to be involved.' Please I don't want you guys to guys to be involved, you have a family to look forward to besides I'll be 18 in a few weeks time.

' I can't let him do this to you anymore, I feel helpless he says with tears in his eyes. I feel ashamed not knowing how to help you."

I went over to him and hugged him tight, ' Please don't cry." I let go and sit beside him,'ok but I swear if he lays his hands on you again I'm getting you out of there." ' I promise I will tell you if he lays a hand on me, I'll let you do anything to me and him."

'Ok I'll see you tomorrow."

'Yeah I'll see you tomorrow ?" Bye take care

I went out of the office and straight to my locker, got my things out changed then went straight to the front door before opening the door I felt a hand touched my shoulder I flinched back and looked at the person sighing to my relief that it was Lydia Williams .

She looks taken back," sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Oh no it's fine just a little jumpy that's all, laughing a little.

'Are you alright ?" That was a hard fall you had there."

'Oh yeah I'm fine just sore on the butt hehe," I laughed awkwardly.

So some of us are headed to the park after this, you wanna tag along ? We would like some new company.

I looked at her sadly...ummm, checking the time on my wrist it's nearly 5pm dad won't be home till 7 so I guess I could use a little distraction.

'Yeah sure that'll be awesome !"


The rest of the team starts striding my way and that whole time I kept my eyes on Ellie she's even more beautiful up close.

Realising what I was doing I looked away before she thinks I'm a freak.

We walked to the nearby park, I was in between Sam Kerr and Caitlin Foord.

They stirr up a convo ' so how old are You?" Umm..I'm 17 turning 18 in a few weeks.

So I'm guessing you play soccer ? Ye- yeah I do, i play forward and sometimes keeper cause I ha-have quick reflexes.

We reached the park and they start juggling the ball. After a few minutes we reached the park and saw some of them start juggling around.

'You know you're making it obvious ?" I turned to Caitlin who has a smirk on her face. ' Making what obvious ?" I asked realising I got caught staring at Ellie. 

'Nah don't pull that shit on me...I saw you giving heart eyes to Ellie."

Gulping,'I don't know what you're talking about."

'It's okay, she's single if you're interested "

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