Chapter 3

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March 4, 2001

I woke up this morning and Sierra told me I had an early visitor. I guess it was someone important because they were coming to my room and the only people that could do that would be my parents. I heard a knock on the door and my friend Michelle came in with Kelly and Solange right behind her.

Bey I'm sorry but momma wouldn't let me see you. Solange said hugging.

It's ok hi Michelle and Kelly. I told them

Hey Bey I've been praying for you. Michelle said

I tried to get Nicki to come with me but she said that she didn't want to see you like this. Kelly said sitting down

I don't want her here. She's just like my mom all they do is say things that mess with my head. I told them and Michelle looked away like she knew something.

Do they feed you in here you look skinny. Solange said

I don't like the food so I just snack and drink. Someone is keeping my account full while I'm in here so I use that money to pay for food and things that I need. I told them

Yeah every Sunday after church your dad let's me take a special offering and the money goes towards paying for your stay and what's left goes on the account. Michelle said

Thank you Chelle. But let's stop talking about sad stuff and have some fun before my mom finds out you're here. I told them

Oh wait I brought some things. I know you can't have a phone so I brought you a ipod and some books to keep you occupied. One of the books I ordered offline it has a secret compartment in it and I put a phone in it. I put Kelly, Michelle, and my number in it so you can talk to us and not get in trouble and I'm going to leave this bag under your bed it has all of your favorite food and drinks in it. Solange said putting the things away

How did you? Where did you get the money from? I asked

Daddy helped and his number is in the phone too. Momma told me that I'm never supposed to come here and see you because.... Nevermind. Solange said looking around.

Ok well I'm getting better so hopefully the doctor will be able to let me out of here sooner. I told them

Yeah you just have to stop letting people get in your head. Kelly said

I think I've been seeing ghost. I told them and they all just like I shot there dog.

Yall we have to go Mrs. Tina told me to have Solange back home at 12. Michelle said hugging me

Yeah and I need to go to work. Kelly said

Bye Bey. Solange said hugging me and I noticed scars on her neck.

Solo did she do that to you? I asked pushing up her sleeves and looking at the rest of the scars.

She caught me sneaking to come see you. I had to stay there all night and this morning Bey I don't want to stay there anymore. Solange cried.

I'm sorry Solo I didn't she was doing this to you.... Can she with one of you guys tonight? I said

She can stay with me but she needs to get clothes. Michelle said

Thank you Chelle... I promise when I get out of here I'll make it right. I said and they left.


Beyoncé telling us that she's been seeing ghost let's me know that Nathan has been sneaking around the facility. Kelly told me that Nicki was trying to see Bey and I made sure to have her name removed. Beyoncé and Kelly have been my friends since elementary school and I refuse to let someone we just met in high school be the reason that one of us fail in life. After we left Bey's room I looked around and sure enough there he was dressed as if he was a patient. He looked me directly in the eyes.

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