Chapter 2

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Frank opened his eyes to see two figures leaning over him. One was Gerard and the other was a girl he didn't recognize. "Gerard?"

"Relax 'Fun Ghoul'." he tried to hint to Frank to play it off.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Kat asked.

Frank nodded, looking up at her. "Who are you?"

"Poison can fill you in, Ghoul." she sighed, "Looks like you've suffered memory loss, too."

Frank sat up, looking at Gerard, "Party Poison?" he guessed. He sighed when Gerard nodded.

Gerard held his hand out to Frank who took it and let Gerard help him up. Once they both were sure that the killjoy couldn't hear, Frank spoke softly. "Gee, what's going on?" he demanded an answer.

"All I can tell, from waking up in the middle of a fuckin desert and some stranger waiting until I was awake, is that we're in the comic. Apparently you're Fun Ghoul and I'm Party Poison." he realized how crazy he sounded.

"So we're in The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys?" Frank asked with wide eyes.

"Yup" Gerard looked over at Wild Kat.

"You crazy motherfu-"

"Are we ready to go?" Kat interrupted.

"Oh, and she goes by 'Wild Kat'," Gerard added quietly.

Frank slowly nodded.

The oblivious killjoy smiled cheerfully, leading them both to the dusty SUV. Once they both climbed in, she drove them to the base.

Once they made it to the small camp-like area, a few unfamiliar killjoys met them by the front. "Just the three of you made it back?" one asked Gerard, whom they assumed was Party Poison.

"We'll explain more later." Kat answered for them.

The three other killjoys nodded, stepping away and letting them drive past.

Frank was deep in thought and confusion at everything in this situation. He didn't even notice the previous exchange that occurred, nor did he notice that they had even arrived.

"Brace yourself when we enter, Poison." Wild Kat warned Gerard as she climbed out of the vehicle.

Gerard looked at her in pure confusion. "What do you mean?"

She just smirked mischievously, "You'll see." she then turned to Frank, "You too, Ghoul. Just be careful."

Frank looked up from zoning out, "What?"

Kat only giggled as Gerard repeated what she said. She waited for them to get out of the car.

Gerard and Frank cautiously and slowly crept from out of the vehicle. Gerard's brown eyes scanned the run-down building in front of him. It was like he had seen it in a dream. It was quite alarming actually. The walls were slightly charred on the outside, and the does were old, cracked, and worn.

Frank didn't seem to sense Gerard's discomfort, just walking straight towards the worn building.

Wild Kat just rolled her eyes and smiled, opening the door and steering inside. The house may have been used and old, but it was most certainly not weak or small.

Gerard cautiously stepped in, his eyes widened as a swarm of girls squeaked and practically tackled him to the ground as they fangirled over him.

Frank laughed as Gerard was knocked over. He tried to go unnoticed as he snuck in. He didn't get detected until he was too far from the door to escape.

Wild Kat just watched in sheer amusment as Frank was under siege.

Gerard managed (eventually) to get the girls to calm down and allow him to get up.

Frankie was still under attack as the girls bombarded him with questions and strange forms of their unhealthy affection.

Gerard felt Kat pull him up the stairs, leaving Frank to fend for himself against the adoring fans.

"Where are we?"Gerard asks as he looks around the quiet, small room.

"What really happened when you left consciousness?" Kat responds with a question rather than an answer.


"You know what I'm talking about, Poison. Don't play stupid." she walked towards the chair and motioned for him to sit as well. "You haven't been yourself since those dracs put you out."

"That's not a reason in itself?" He asked, taking a seat across from the killjoy.

"I've seen you go through worse and bounce back with the same fire you had." she responds, rendering the artist silent.

"Ghoul isn't himself either. What happened to you both?"

"I- I don't know." Gerard responded,

"Like hell you don't!" she scoffed, standing up and glaring at him with eyes full of concern mixed with scrutiny. "People look up to you. To Fun Ghoul! Yes they see Jet Star and Kobra Kid as leaders, but you both stand out the most. Without you, there's no cause anymore. Without the Fabulous Killjoys, there's no rebellion. BL/ind would get the victory. We'd all die."

Gerard didn't know what to say. He looked up to see her face hidden by her hands.

Kobra Kid stepped in slowly, "You're back," he smiled, "What'd you find out?"

Gerard inspected the character, seeing the resemblance both physically and in his demeanor.

Kobra watched Gerard, confused and concerned at the weird behavior. "Poison?"

"I can't remember, Kobra. I lost some memory and it might take a few days to regain it."

Wild Kat looked up, "Kobra, where's Ghoul?"

"He's coming." Kobra said.

"No, he's upset that you left me out there with them." Frank responds from the doorway.

"You were surrounded by your adoring fans?" Kobra laughed,

"I swear it's like we're on tour, Mikey." Frank said without thinking.

"Who's Mikey?" Kat asks

"No one," Frank sighed, looking at Gerard. He sighed disappointed, Kobra hadn't responded to the name which meant he wasn't Mikey.

Eventually Frank and Gerard globally could sort things out in the quiet of the night. They were now alone, without anyone else in the room.

Kat was out in the hallway walking past when she heard their voices. She couldn't help but get curious.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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