Dear Reader,

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Dear reader, 

if you stumbled over this fic by accident and have no knowledge of the Damned series, I'm not sure this one will work for you. 

There is roughly 650k words of plot that led to this and there to say, it has been quite a ride. The primarily Daredevil story covered a crossover with all of the Defenders, Arrow, The Flash and to some extend, even with the MCU (Avengers). Not to even mention Supernatural.

So, I fully encourage you to dive in, but only at your own risk. If you want to start from the beginning, you can find a reading list on my profile that is in the right timeline (link in comments).

If you came here, because you are one of the amazing people who made their way through the said 650k words, know that I adore you and please, do not be mad at me for the long break and for what's coming. I promise there's always a silver lining to a cloud.

Thank you for your consideration and I wish you a (not so) happy reading!

Warm regards, 

Anika Ann M

Cut It Out and Restart *Daredevil*Damned*Agents of SHIELD*Where stories live. Discover now