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Hello, my loves.

It's been too long and I have no good news. I have a concept of the epilogue in my drafts for so long it feels like I forgot what it's about.

I feel terrible about this, especially since you've been so supportive of me... but I don't think I can do it. Maybe one day, but that's not fair to you and nor it is to me or this world I created. Special thanks to all of you who encouraged me in the comments and went with me through this incredible journey.

Matt would try to join mission with the team every once in a while, and him and Vera/Nica would try to take it very slow. The job wouldn't work, both of them too fixated on one another, but Matt especially. So they would both retire fighting and went to teach to the SHIELD academy: Vera for self-defence, Matt 'undercover' as a blind lawyer prof. But they would try to make it work as a couple too, keeping the successful attempts at relationship a secret.

Their relationship and Matt's mad fighting skills would be revealed during the Hydra uprising (AoS s1), when Matt would pretty much rush around the campus to help Vera fight. Grant would beat him to it, revealing himself as a double agent (triple agent, if that's a term). Since Cisco and Felicity kept an eye on Vera and Matt, the DC friends would join the fight while the Coulson and co. would be canonically busy elsewhere; Cisco would vibe the Flash and newly developed Frost (Caitlyn Snow) to the headquarters to helps fight the hellicarriers, while Oliver and Roy would help at the academy.

Generally, the fight obviously ends better due to their involvement.

The biggest question mark would lie in how many people would know about Vera and Matt being alive, mainly, if Vera's family would be notified somehow. It had been long since Vera's supposed death and she probably wouldn't want to open old wound, which might change when she'd find out about her pregnancy. Ironically enough, they would tell Terri, because that woman would be still having nightmares about Vera being in danger anyway.

And yes – there would be a lot of repairs to be done relationships and friendships-wise, but these characters had been through so much that they would make it through. The pain would not be forgotten, but hopefully, they would have a whole rest of their lives to balance it with happiness

I am sorry I can't give you a full chapter or two to read about all this. Thank you for understanding. This story, as much as I'm leaving I with a poor ending, will always mean the world to me and so will you, the readers and commenters :-* I just want to remind you that if you read through the whole series, codas included, you read 700 000 worth of words and I am at loss of words at that.

Thank you again.

Sincerely and with much much love


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