Ch. 8 Senior Signatures

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Ch. 8 Senior Signatures

Kong's P.O.V.

Today started off great. I was sitting with my new friends Wayo, and P'Can when my immediate senior P' Tak walked up to me.


"Sawadee P' Tak. Is everything alright?"

"I just wanted to let you know that there will be a meeting for all Economic and Engineering students today at 4 pm. You can't be late."

"Okay, thanks P' Tak."

I said before he walked away to notify other Economic students. I watched him walk like something was chasing him.


"Yes, Kong."

"What is hazing?"

P'Can looked at me with a shocked facial expression.

"You've never heard of hazing?"

I shook my head at him. I started to feel weird and silly because I didn't know. I looked down and started to feel sad.

"Kong. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. It's just I've never met someone who doesn't know what hazing means."

"It's okay P'Can. My life hasn't always been happy and full of love."

"Sorry. Hazing is a ceremony and tradition that each faculty has. Engineering students, they have to go through vigorous training and activities in order to understand their faculty's history. A lot of people can't pass the hazing for that faculty. Other faculties aren't as harsh, but it's all about learning who your seniors are and getting to know them, plus all the other students there."

"Oh....well I'm worried now."

"Why Kong?" -Wayo

"Because the Economics and Engineering faculties are doing the hazing ceremony together."

"SHIA!!!!" -Wayo and P'Can

"Yeah. I better go now." I said after I looked at my watch and saw that the time was 1535.

"Okay, good luck. Remember, if you need help, just call us."

"I will thanks."

*Hazing Meeting*

We were all sitting on the ground with name tags hanging around our necks. I looked to my left and right. I estimated that there was a total of 500 students from both faculties combined. I looked to my left again and saw P'Tak. I waved to him and he waved back. As I was putting my hand down and facing forward again. I caught the senior who was harsh to us before staring at me with an angry look. I looked away feeling uncomfortable and trying to understand why he was mad at me.


"Sawadee." Most everyone mumbled in reply.



"You're first years and the first thing I have to fix at this meeting is your greeting?"


"I don't believe you. Say it like you mean it. You just showed disrespect to your seniors."

"SORRY P's!!"

"Better. Now, I know you've heard some stories about how hazing works. Each faculty does have their own way of doing hazing, and unfortunately for you, we are working together, Economics and Engineering in order to see if we can improve our hazing."

"I need one representative from each faculty. Don't all stand up at once."

Everyone started to whisper to each other as I just kept my face down or towards a different direction hoping that I wouldn't be picked. My nerves right now were acting up and I was starting to feel unwell. I took deep breaths as I decided to chance a glance at him. P'Arthit.

"Listen up. In the Engineering Faculty's hazing history. We require the first-years to collect 100 signatures from their seniors. Since we are combining with Economics faculty as well, we have bumped the number up to 200 total signatures from both faculty's seniors. You will ask the seniors for their signature and will be required to do something in return. So be prepared and make sure you get your signature book from us."

I looked around and saw seniors from both faculties handing out the books. I got my book and opened it up. It was a small blue notebook meant for short notes to be taken. I put the book in my pocket as I noticed that P'Arthit was about to talk again.

"Alright. Now we need a representative from each faculty to be in charge of making sure everyone in their faculty participates in the signature collection and all hazing activities. Do we have any volunteers?"

Everyone started to whisper to themselves and look away hoping to not be picked. I, of course, did the wrong thing and glanced at P'Arthit before placing my head down.

"On second thought, I will choose the representatives."

Everyone was holding their breath while praying that they wouldn't be picked.

"Student with the ID number 0062 stand up."

I felt myself start to shake as I heard P'Arthit call my number. Slowly I stood up and looked him in the face despite my nightmares trying to come out and haunt me.

"You will represent your faculty of Economics. Aim stand up (sorry I don't know his student ID number). You will represent your faculty of Engineering."

A guy who was just a few inches taller than me with white skin, dark brown hair and an upset facial expression on his face stands up.

"Introduce yourselves."

"Sawadee, my name is Kongpob Suthiluck and my student ID is 0062."

"Sawadee, my name is Aim and my student ID is (I'm making it up. Please let me know if you find out what it actually is) 0085."

We turned and waii to each other before P'Arthit told us to sit down.

"Oh and one more thing about collecting the signatures."

We waited for him to continue.

"You only have one week to do so. Oh and faculty representatives. It's on you to make sure it happens."

P'Arthit said before him and all the other seniors left.

'This is going to be a week of hell.' I thought to myself as I texted Wayo and P'Can and asked where they were so I could tell them about what just happened.


Sorry that it's shorter than the previous chapter. I had to help take care of my family. I will update this story again in two weeks. Please do leave a comment. It helps me to know if you find it boring, good, great, or maybe you have a suggestion. Also please vote too.

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