Ch.7 New Friends

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Ch.7 New Friends

Kongpob's P.O.V.

My day started off just like any other day. I got up when my alarm went off, got ready, went downstairs to have breakfast with my P's and then P'Tin drove me to Uni since P'Pha had left before I finished eating.

I walked towards my first class when I felt that someone or more than one person was staring at me. At first, I brushed it off as I'm new and they just wanted to take a look. Then as I felt the stares follow me from one class to another, I started to get worried.

My day had passed fairly quickly with that constant feeling of being followed. I decided after I was having a quick break before my last class, that I would call P'Tin.



"I don't want to alarm you but I feel slightly scared."


"I have this feeling of being followed since I got to Uni this morning."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the Economics' canteen."

"I'll be there in three minutes. Don't move." P'Tin growled the last part out before he hung up.

I stayed where I was and decided to glance around trying to see if I could find the person(s) who was following me.

Just as I thought I saw them, P'Tin blocked my view and gently dragged me to his car. He buckled me in 'P'Tin!!!! I'm not a little kid' I thought in my mind as he drove off.

"P'Tin, where are we going? I still have one last class for the day in 10 minutes."

"You're skipping that class until I can arrange a detail on you."

"Detail? What do you mean?"

"Bodyguards, protection, friendly tough buddies. Whatever you want to call it. I am not going to let anything happen to you. When P'Pha gets home, we will talk more about how to go about this." P'Tin said with his authoritative voice.

I knew he meant every word he said and that he would notify P'Pha. I unknowingly started pout on the drive home. I know that they love me a lot and don't want anything to happen, but we already made sure that Pa can't get to me.

*30 minutes later*

We arrived home and I sat on the couch as P'Tin called P'Pha and explained the situation. I was told that P'Pha would be home in a few minutes so they could decide which company and/or program to go with for my protection.

I hated the feeling of being weak and needing someone to protect me but I know that it majorly has to do with what my Pa did to me. I do occasionally have nightmares of all the abuse I suffered as a child. I wake up screaming/crying because the feeling is so real 'I know it is real.', but Pa isn't here. I don't understand why I keep feeling like he is here right now still hurting me.


The front door slammed open and close as P'Pha raced into the living room and gave me a big hug.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay P'Pha."

"Did you see anyone suspicious?"

"No, I wasn't able to look. I thought I did see something but P'Tin arrived and it was gone."

"Any details can help."

"I know P'Pha."

"Do you want protection?"

"I don't want to be known as the guy who needs protection."

Why am I different? (M-preg) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now