Chapter 4: The Encounter

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He wake up and rivulet tears trickle upon his cheeks.

"Is that only a dream? I thought I already make it out to this miserable place. Yeah! (laughing while crying) I'm just fooling myself to be back in whose days. I just can't accept the fact that it's all gone. I must stand and will accept the fact to regain the lost." he uttered.

He stand and wipe his tears and grabbed the lamp and the map. He looked up the map of the black forest but he can't trace where he is. The dark fogs became thicker and the light of his lamp can't spread widely. He didn't know which direction he had been, but he continued to walk in a straight manner until he find the exit of the forest. He ran very fast and there he made it out.

He stopped as he saw the village. He remembered his own village and how desolated it was and he feel sorry to both villages. A sudden intensive headache struck to him that make him grovel to the ground. Made him to drop his lamp and broke it. He shouted because of pain and after a while he able to settle down and he notice he can see through the fog. He questioned himself what happend to him and come up of a conclusion that maybe it just adapt to the surroundings.

Afterwards he walk through the entrance and notice something erratic about the village and his. He descry the dissimilarity, Archantha is only deserted because houses there stood and there is no sign of any destruction while in Patarantha the condition is ravaging. He ruminate what is the cause of the disparity. He continue to perambulate the place. The humming of the cold air and the uncanny soundness of the surroundings welcomed him nippy. He also espy no sign of dead people because there were no bones around but a nasty smell pervade the village.

He get a little hungry and he already ate the food he bring. A particular home spellbind him and enter there hoping he can find something to filled up his stomach. He opened every sideboard finding something to eat and he able to find 3 pieces of bread and a clean water he devoured 1 bread and decided to rest for a while in a bed to have a proper sleep.
An hour later a girl who is owner of the house see Ishigami. The girl yelled "Hey who are you? What are you doing here?" She put her hand forward and cast "Nimbus Arrow" {5 arrows around the fist which have an ability to take some damage and slow the enemy if being hitted.}. Ishigami slowly gained his conciousness and subsequently when she saw the girl he responded "Whahhahahaah! what who are you?" And the girl insisted and yelled "Get out!!! Or be killed??

Ishigami directly rushed outside and their he tend to ask one more thing but the girl used the cast spell and shut the door.

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