Used and abused

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It's crazy.

So many people come in and out of my life,
Like I just have an open door policy to anyone that wants in.

And I always get hurt in the end, no doubt about it.

Everyone always leave me.
And I get it, no hard feelings to anyone because it's not exactly their fault.

I know I'm never good enough for people,
I'm a fucking bull in a china shop.

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to stay.

I'm messy,
Not just disorganized but my entire life is a fucking mess.

I say too much,
And then I say too little when it needs to be said.

I'm fire to touch,
With a hot temper and a mouth I cannot always control- not a doubt in the world they'll get burned if the touch me.

I'm not necessarily pretty,
I'm a mediocre 5 at best.

I'm way to quiet,
And never put myself out there.

The point is, there is so many better things to life than me- so I don't place blame that no one wants to watch me blossom when their is a field of wildflowers out there waiting for them.

I'm always a second, maybe third thought to everyone in my life because all I am is a walking and breathing disappointment. But hey, at least I know that.

It's crazy how I see people who I haven't thought about in a long time, happy and living their new life without me.
I am always going to be an afterthought, and I'll never be someone's first choice.

But I've come to terms with that,
After all their has to be someone in life that people can leave willingly in the dust, everyone has that someone they left in their past.
But hey, at least I'm something to someone.

- Sarah Klobuchar

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