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Time is such a funny and strange concept.

Like, it goes by so fast when you're having a blast.

And so slow when you're at your life's low.

It's such a weird thing, time I mean.

It either does you good- or does you so dirty.

I wear a watch on my right wrist.

Not because I necessarily want to know the time,
But I wear it because it reminds me I'm alive.

It reminds me that time isn't stopping, or slowing down.

It will keep going on- with or without me, so I might as well just keep living.

A matter of fact, I like to not know what time it is now.

I like not knowing what's going to happen or what's around the corner.

Who cares what time it is.

Time is just a concept people made up in order for us to do things.

Time is just a guideline,
But as soon as you stop following it- your life will be 10x better.

Let's lose track of our time here.

-Sarah Klobuchar 

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