Chapter 20 ~ Truth or Dare

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Carlos' POV
Sigh. It's almost paradise. And I can't believe that we are about to kiss. Does she love me? Maybe not. 'Carlos, this is a hopeless romance for you. You've known her for quite a long time and she's dreaming for a prince. She's not destined for a coward villain kid sleeping on furs and dusts.'

Before I could open the door, Jay went out and bumped me but I didn't fall. "Oops, sorry, bro", he said.

"Where are you going?"

"Umm...I have a short meeting with coach"

"Oh, ok"

"I gotta go" he said after patting my shoulder and ran off.

I entered the room and placed Dude in his basket before I hop on my bed. I locked my eyes on the ceiling and think about what had happened back there on the lake. I almost told her I love her. Thankfully, something distracted us but I wander what or who it is.

I didn't get my dinner tonight because for me, I'm already full with the butterflies in my stomach. LOL.

Evie's POV
When I entered our room, no one is inside. I saw a piece of paper on my table as I placed my purse on it. I took it and it says there that Mal won't be able to eat dinner with me because Ben's parents asked her to join them. I changed my dress into comfy pajamas and cotton-cloth blue shirt with a heart on the left upper side of my chest. I walked back to my bed but I jumped when suddenly I heard a loud knock on a door. When I opened it, Lonnie and Jane were standing there, showing a big smile on their faces.

"Hey, what's up, girls?" I asked, leaning on the door.

"Umm...since me and Jane are...umm...haven't ate dinner yet...and since you've just arrived here at your dorm...we would like---"

"We would like you to eat with us and hang out" Jane interrupted Lonnie confidently and they both smiled.

"Umm...Yeah, sure. I would love to" I answered.

"Great! Now come on" they both pulled me after I closed the door and I laughed.

A few minutes later

We carefully placed or food on the table and sit down. All we have on our plates are veggies and bread and fresh fruit juice. It's healthy tho.

We've been bursting out our laughter and I couldn't believe that I would get to hang out with Auradon girls. Suddenly, Fairy Godmother passes by and did nothing but just let Jane hang out with us. Jane's mother is thoughtful and overprotective at her. But I wander what it feels like if your mother does that to you.

Anyway, after we had our dinner, we walked toward the field and sat down on the bleachers.

"Hey, guys! Wanna play truth or dare?" Lonnie asked, smirking.

"W-what is truth or dare?"

"Truth or dare is a game where you need to tell the truth and follow orders" Jane explained.

"If you choose truth, we are only going to ask you a question. If you choose dare, we are going to tell orders for you to do it"

"Oh, ok. I think it's fun" I said, awkwardly.

"Ok, Jane. Truth or dare?"


"I dare do a front flip 3 times"

"Really?" Lonnie nodded. She went down and took a deep breath before she first did a flip. She did again and for the third time, she almost got CRUMPLED. LOL.

Lonnie laughed at her and Jane painfully walked up to us.

"Sorry, Jane. I shouldn't have ordered you that" Lonnie said, still laughing.

"Well, you shouldn't for the next time" Jane said, massaging her arm.

"Well, I think this is dangerous" I said.

"Don't worry, we won't let you do that"

"O...k, Evie. Truth or dare?" Jane faced me and my eyes widened. Oh, it's already my turn.

"I would choose truth"

"Ok? What was your first impression about me and Lonnie?"

"Oh, my first impression about you was...that you're a loner. But now I just found out that you are confidently friendly..."

"Oh, thank you...actually, I was a loner but when Mal told me that I'm beautiful inside and out, I stood straight"


"What about your first impression with me, Evie?" Lonnie asked which caused me to laugh.

"Oh, I almost forgot. For you...I thought you were competitive"

"I really am competitive. Especially when I get to fight swords to swords"

"Really?" I asked with eyes widely open.

"Her mother is Mulan, remember?" Jane chuckled.

"Yeah, right. Ok Lonnie, truth or dare?"

"I'd better go with the truth"

"Ok..." nothing really came into my mind but just love life. "...umm, is it true that you are one of the girls who have a crush on Jay?"

Lonnie was shocked as to what I just asked her. She and Jane exchanged expressions and laughed before she answered, "Gosh, I wouldn't get easily attracted to guy like him"

I saw Jane smirk and I raised an eyebrow, knowing that she is unsure of her answer.

"...fine. I am but I'm not like those girls who flirt at him. I hate flirting" she claimed.

"Ouch" I said and laughed. They also laugh because they know that I'm a flirt. Yeah.

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