Chapter 18 ~ Mal and Jay: Cute and Funny

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Carlos' POV
"You go find Mal, I'll find Evie", I said and Jay nodded. We roamed around for a while when I heard someone screamed. I looked back at Mal laughing over at the freezing Jay. Mal ran up to him and kissed his cheek. Seems like she still doesn't care of having a boyfriend, they're cute together. Jay smirked at Mal but a little bit angry. She pushed Jay who almost fell for the water and Jay did the same to Mal a little bit forceful which caused her to fall over the water. And so she screamed Jay's name angrily.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Mal" Jay said and I laughed when he ran up to her and carried her bridal-style.

"Shit, Jay! Why did you do that?", yelled Mal. Jay gently placed her down but she stood up and stamped her feet like a crying baby.

"Uhh...because of adrenaline response?" Jay answered with raised shoulders.

Mal mumbled and rolled her eyes. She tied her hair into a cute ponytail and pouted. She pulled back her jacket and revealed a purple tank top that she wore back to the time when she spelled Ben, with those ripped jeans which made her look COOLER. Jay gaped at her and gulped. Just before he looked away, Mal's eyes turned green.

I laughed at them but quickly turned around when I heard a chuckle. 'I know they are playing hide and seek and I know exactly who this is' I thought. I slowly and quietly walked behind her and pulled her by the waist which caused her to yelp and face me. She punched my arm playfully but I hugged her more tightly and said, "Found ya!".

She held my face and pinched it and said, "I love y--", but stopped when she realised what she was about to say.

"I-I mean, I love the way y-you hold me like this. I-I MEAN, I LOVE THIS KIND OF MO-MOMENT WHEN WE HANG OUT TOGETHER WITH MAL AND JAY", said Evie with eyes widened.

I laughed at the way she blurted, she made me feel like I am older than her. Yeah, I know you've read it right, she's older than me. But age doesn't matter, right? What matters is we truly love and care for someone.

"R-Really?" I asked, looking into her gorgeous brown eyes.

"Yeah" she answered, pulling away quickly and nervously fixing her hair and her clothes.

We looked into each other's eyes for a while and walked back to Mal and Jay who were still fighting.

"This is the second time I got soaking wet!", yelled Mal.

"I'm so sorry! Now you learned your lesson. You better be careful when hanging out with me"

"You better be..." Mal mimicked Jay but he didn't care, he just pouted and turned his back on Mal with folded arms.

Mal grabbed her things and said, "I should get going. Thanks for everything, Jay. NOW I HAVE TO WALK BACK TO MY DORM THIS WET". She exclaimed in front of Jay's face and left until she was completely out of sight.

Jay let out a sigh. They still fight with each other but not that much. Jay still apologizes to Mal because as what he had said to me, he doesn't want to lose somebody special to him. She's his best friend, okay? And Mal only sees him as a friend. Ouch, for me. Let's wait for him to go after her.

After a while, Jay said, "I'd better go apologize to her. See you later guys!"

I told you he would apologize. He doesn't want to leave things unresolved. That's also one of the things I like about him. And finally, he left us all alone. I hope this kind of moment won't fail between me and Evie.

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