Chapter 2-Aiden

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The guy that can just look at a girl and just have her melting. He wasn't the typical popular kid. He was different from the rest, he is very shy, an introvert just like most of the people in this world. He wasn't an asshole, like his friends. I never understood why he hung out with them. He looked completely uncomfortable when that witch of a girl was talking about me. I bet they all did not expect me to punch her. Truth is, I've always had balls. I was just tired of the name calling, sometimes I even make fun of myself so people would stop with the nasty jokes.

Aiden never looked at me with disgust like everyone else does. He barely even talked. This morning was the most he's ever said since I came to this school. He was such a heart throb. I didn't even realize I was staring at him for so long because he soon directs his eyes away from his phone and to me. My stunned ass continued on staring.

The hell are you doing Pauline!? Look away! Look away!

My eyes just spread wider and wider, slowly watching him get all uncomfortable. He even gave me an award smile before slowly waving. But I just sat there, still not taking my eyes off of him. If I could slap myself, I would, but my limbs will not move!
He looked away suddenly and sank in his seat. His long legs just stretched out as he yawned trying hard not to gaze at me. I finally unleashed the casted spell he had on me. And turned to the board. Out of all the seats in this class..he chose to sit right next to me?


Why was he even here?

The supervisor that was supposed to pay attention to us continued on sleeping. So because I'm socially awkward I finally cleared my throat and turned to him, about to ask him why he was there. When he witnessed me turn back to him, he sat up quickly and waited patiently. "I'm sorry for punching your girlfriend in the face" I froze. "She's your girlfriend right?"

The hell?

Where did that come from? Why did I just ask him that?

That is not what I wanted to ask him!

At this point my heart was racing, and I wanted to retrace my steps—but I only made things 10 times worse. "I'm assuming she's your girlfriend because she looks like a blow up blonde Barbie—not saying that's your type..but, you date girls like that right?"

His eyes got wider, lips in a thin line as I continued on rambling on. "I mean—if she's your girlfriend then that's great! But you deserve a lot better, she looks like every girl in this school." He just sat there, raising one of his eyebrows. "Not saying that's a bad thing! I'm sure you're into that"

I believe I insulted him more then three times just with this rambling. I didn't mean to be this awkward..but, his presence made me a nervous wreck. But my lips quickly zipped shut when he finally cracked a smile.

Even letting out a short chuckle before placing his elbow on his desk, with his hand on his temple, balancing his head as he watches me getting all jittery. He's loving this. He knows he makes me nervous. And he's finding it so amusing.

Stop looking at me, stop looking at me with those big blue eyes. I could faint. When I get nervous, I sweat. Bad. I can already feel my armpits getting hot. Thank god I was wearing black. I probably look like a big black blob right now, and he's just witnessing everything. I couldn't read his face. I don't know what he's thinking. Did he think I was ugly? Fat? Disgusting? He's around beautiful females all the time, I'm sure he thinks I'm just hideous. He can have anyone he wants right? Why was he staring at me like that?—maybe because I was making such a big fool of myself right now.

His phone suddenly dings, and thankfully he stopped his staring to focus on who texted him. I let out the longest breath ever. I got on my phone and started texting Veronica. Anything to keep me from blabbering again.

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