~10~ It's 5:10 P.M.

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head and was about to leave when Anna said, "Do we have a time limit? How long are you giving us? A month? Two?"

"Just get me enough information to take them down as fast as you can."

Before we could leave, Tyson said something else. 

"And kid," He started, which caused me to turn around. "Stop being so scared of me, I'm really not that bad."

He gave me a smile which I returned.

"I'll try."

He chuckled and Anna and I left the office.


When Anna and I were leaving the warehouse I tried to get her to tell me what she meant by no one was planning on killing me.

I mean I know they didn't plan for it, but wouldn't they have killed me if they didn't find a use for me?

She refused to answer me, or even talk to me for that matter. I knew she wasn't mad though, because she was still laughing at my jokes.

Since she didn't answer me in person, as soon as I got home after dropping her off I texted her.

Hey, are you ever gonna answer the question I've been asking you since we left the warehouse? ~C

Nope :)~A

But I've been asking forever! Aren't you tired of saying no? ~C

Nope. ~A

Aren't you tired of asking? ~A

Not really... I could do this all day. ~C

Seriously? You wanna know that bad? ~A

No Anna, I've just been annoying you for the past hour about it because it's fun. ~C

Hey, you never know. ~A

But I'll tell you because seem desperate. ~A

Yes! I don't even care that you called me desperate right now, just tell me. ~C

Well... Occasionally, a white guy comes through and realizes there's a gang here and starts freaking out. We usually ask them questions to see if they could help us out. If they can't we let them go but make them promise not to say anything. We only get like 2 a year, so it's not that big a deal and it's usually pretty easy to bribe and/or convince them to keep their mouth shut. ~A

I knew I couldn't have been the only person to just find the warehouse! ~C

Please don't text in the middle of my story. ~A

Anyways so that day when I saw you I decided to get the questioning part out of the way. I approached you and tried to make it seem like someone was going to hurt you, just so I could get information without all the guys there to scare you. You also seemed like a pretty cool person, so I wanted to talk to you. ~A

So... when Tyson said he might not be able to keep me alive?... ~C

It was something he said to all of the white boys that stumble into our warehouse. The only difference is we usually end up telling them the truth because most of the time they can't help us. ~A

So why did you guys keep letting me think that? ~C

It was like leverage in a way. It was to make sure you did what you said you would. Those guns aren't even loaded except for one or two. They're mostly there to scare people. ~A

Why do they do that? They don't seem that bad.~C

That, Mr. GB, is a story for another day. Go get some sleep. ~A

Anna, it's 5:10 P.M. :| ~C

Fine. Whatever. Go get a snack or something, just leave me be to relax. ~A

Lol, later BG. ~C

Later GB. ~A

Hey guys!

So I've been thinking about all the things I could do with this book and all the ways I could take it and I'm honestly super excited.

I also noticed that a few people are actually reading my books and everything :) I really hope that the people that are reading this are enjoying it.

Even with a "small amount" of people reading and everything I feel really accomplished that even a few people are actually taking time out of their say to read this story.

If you guys are liking it vote and comment for more :)

Stay safe! <3

Bye loves~

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