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Chapter 5: Pretending
(Your/Y/N's POV)

   "Before you go, there is one last thing." The lion spoke again to which I nodded, "You must not  tell anyone about me. Not even the Voltron paladins." The lion says, I was about to ask why but i just nodded instead. Then there was a flash of pure white light. I close my eyes tight as it was brighter then the other flashes.

  My eyes flutter open and I see Sendak sitting beside me with a genuinely concerned look on his face. My hand was in his as he was asleep, you have no idea on how much I wanted to slap him with that hand, but I couldn't since I had to play my 'sherade' of having no memories still.

  I put on a fake gentle smile as I nudge him awake. His head jumps up and his worry seems to fade into joy. "Y/N! Your awake!" Sendak jumps up from the chair he was sitting on and hugged me tight. I reluctantly hug him back til he starts pulling away. "How long was I out?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

  "You were out for three and a half weeks Y/N...not even the witch could wake you...I was worried." Sendak said taking your hand again. I gave him a 'smile' and said "Well, I'm okay now. I'm awake. Thank you for looking after me, but would you mind getting me something to eat? I feel starved." He opens his eyes wide. "Of course! I'll get you a drink as well, you stay here." Sendak says as he walks towards the door after letting go of my hand.

  When the door closes I throw the blanket off of me and try standing. I get really dizzy since I haven't eaten, but it went away quickly and I started walking slowly to my closet. 'If i'm getting out of here, i'll need clothes and other necessities.' I think to myself as I look for a bag or suitcase. I find a duffle bag and a suitcase and decide to pack them both to the brim.

  I pick out two dresses, seven tops and bottoms, twelve pairs of socks, and two pairs of shoes my heels and my thigh high boots I was wearing last time. I see a suit of armor and realized that it was my mother's, I decided to take that too. All of that only filled the duffle bag and half of the suitcase.

  Thats when I heard a knock on my room door, so I rushed to hide the duffle bag and suitcase. I heard the door opening so I pretended to be looking for an outfit to wear for the day. That's when I heard rushed footing heading towards me, I looked to see Sendak coming to me. "You should be in bed! You need your strength back!" He picks me up bridal style and walks back to the bed and puts me down gently.

  He puts a plate of purple food goo on my lap, "It's all the kitchen had at the moment. So, eat up. Call me if you need me, your father requested and an audience with me." He says with an attemptively calming smile. I nod and grab my spoon and begin to eat. Its not the best tasting but food is food.


Word Count: 588
Thank you for reading chapter 5! I hope your ready for what happens next! See you next tomorrow!

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