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Chapter 4: My memories...
(Your/Y/N's POV)

  'Why do I feel...warm?' I questioned myself just before a bright flash of (F/C) blinds me and forces me to shut my eyes.

  When the light faded I hear a voice. "Goodbye daughter, we love you." The voice said, it sounded familiar so I opened my eyes to see a tall man with pitch black ears and tail with a matching pair of large, featured wings on his back.

  The man gave me a gentle smile as his eyebrows furrowed downwards, he looked to his left to a woman the same height as him. "We will miss you dearly, please stay safe." She said with the same expression as the man. She had pure white ears and tail with a matching pair of smaller, feathered wings. She was slightly different though, she had two pitch black horns on her head in the space between her ears.

  'They look so...familiar...are these my...parents?' Suddenly it hit me, the woman, who's name was Yulia, was my mother and the man, who's name was Dakaan, was her father. I felt thick tears running down my face as my ears go down and my tail stops moving entirely.

  Suddenly there was another flash of (F/C) just like before, this time you were ready for the light and didn't have to close your eyes for it. When the light fades you see a beautiful green and blue planet and a medium sized pod rushing towards it. The pod didn't seem to be galran so you were curious as too what species made it.

  There was another flash and it showed the same pod crashed into the planet. You hear loud sounds coming towards the crash site and see four wheeled vehicles rushing to the ship. When they get there they open up the ship aand search it. One of the men who went in comes out with a shorter version of you, unconscious in his arms and some blood dripping down her forehead.

  'This planet...is this Earth? I crashed there, I remember! I was saved by a slightly older looking man who called himself Sam. After we found a way to hide my ears, tail, wings, and horns I was cleared from detainment and he took me in as his own. That's when..' As I begin to finish that though there was another flash.

  I see mini-me walking with Sam, staying close to him as they walk through a house door. I can't help but smile. 'That's when I met Katie and Matt.' I finish my original thought as I see a strawberry-brunette haired girl running to hug the mini-me. They fall the the floor and laugh. They get up and start doing introductions of everyone and another flash stops it.

  "We aren't going to have enough time to keep going if we stay at this rate. I'm forcing a skip to when you were just turning 17." The voice from before I went into this sleep. I nod and then the color fades for me to see 17-year old me in a simulator, piloting the 'space craft'.

  I see the smirk on past-me's face and can't help but chuckle as I remember what happens next. She turns the wheel and twists the stick causing the craft to turn sideways so they could get under and through the overhang in front of them. I see the overhang go right over them and smile, these were good memories.

  Past-me walks out the simulator with her team looking confident, the teachers and Admiral Sanda had shocked expressions plastered on their faces. Sanda cleared her throat and announced that I'd be co-piloting the Kerberos Mission. Making me take the title of the youngest space explorer.

  I see Shiro, Matt, and Sam give me proud looks. Past-me smiles at them just before the room flashes again. I see Katie hugging me and Collean taking pictures of me, Katie, Matt and Sam all together then a few of just me and Katie. I see myself wave at Collean and Katie before walking into the ship. Another flash.

  I see the ship taking off. Another flash. I see the ship landing. Another flash. I see myself standing next to Shiro as they watch Sam and Matt take the ice samples from the planet. The two sscience-wises begin fan-boying over being the first to meet aliens then Sam looked at me with a gentle smile. Another flash.

  I see a Galra cruiser sucking up the group and the materials they set up. Another flash, this time I don't see anything I just hear muffled voices of Shiro and some unidentified voices. Then I hear the most familiar voice ever, Zarkon. Another flash.

  I see myself getting tortured by the witch, yelling and screaming in pain. Another flash. I see myself in an arena fighting another person ten times my size with my true form exposed. Another flash. I see myself walking into my cell and sitting on the bed and thinking. 'Where did it all go wrong?' Another flash.

  I see myself on the ground in pain from getting electrocuted by the witch's magic. I hear the last words I dreaded remembering, "and...you as my lovely daughter." Zarkon had said with a shit-eatting grin. I see a flash and then a white lion walking towards me. "There, now you remember everything important. Slowly, your other memories will return but for now...you must wake up." The lion said, the voice from earlier coming from it's mouth. Then I pieced the last thing together, I'd have to pretend to still be memory-less until I could get off the central command ship.


Word Count: 1022
Thank you for reading chapter 4, I hope you enjoyed it! Thank next few chapters will be hectic so be ready! Also, if you didn't notice I put the schedule for posting in my bio. So this series will have shorter chapters but will get updated nightly. See you tomorrow!

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