Chapter 5: The Glitch pt. 2

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Kitty's P.O.V

"Glitch detected! Now calculating quickest route." BITT said. "Quickest route to what?" Five asked. "To the Glitch. Come on hermano get with the program." I said. BITT all of a sudden turned into a bigger BITT, grabbing us and jumped right out of the van through the roof. BITT then bursted through the walls of the arcade. "You have reached your destination." BITT said.

"Ugh! I've had it with your griefers!" Mitch said with anger. "I'm trying to clean the mess you made and you keep making it worse!" All of a sudden Chomp Kitty clamps it's mouth around Mitch. "Chomp Kitty?" Five said in shock. We had looks of shock and fear as we see Chomp Kitty spit out Mitch's gauntlet.

"Strategic update. Run away!" BITT said. Chomp Kitty then charges are us. "This is no longer my favorite game!" Five said. "Speak for yourself! My name is literally in the game title!" I said in panic. We then feel arms, which were BITT's, pull us aside out of the glitch's view. "Is there an instruction manual?" Five said as he tampered with the gauntlet. Mine then started to ring. I hit answer  and there popped up, "Mitch?! Are you ok?!" I asked worried. "I am stuck in the belly of a malevolent digital construct, so no! I'm not ok! Help me you morons!" He said.

"Oh you want our help?" I said, my salty side showing up. "Then you gotta admit what you done and put things right again, AND you got to apologize to Kitty for hurting her!" Miko said. "Fine, just get me out of here! The static discharge is frizzing my hair!" He said. "Oh fruits! This is terrible. BITT remind me to run and get some of Mitch's hair gel once we wrap it up here." I said, my sympathetic fan girl coming right back. Miko looks at her gauntlet and sees items listed on the screen. "Ooo pizza. Hey fur ball! You hungry?!" Miko said as she shot the pizza into Chomp Kitty's mouth. But unfortunately, IT GETS BIGGER!

"You fed it a power up?" Five said as we watch the cat glitch grow in size. The cat begins to spread more glitches into other games. "We probably should of stayed in the van." Five said as the other glitches begin to approach us. "Target glitch has gone viral!" BITT said.

"Back up, what's a glitch?" Five asked. "A glitch is an artificially intelligent plixel construct." BITT explained. "Soo video game monsters?" I said. "I got it!" Five said as he aimed the gauntlet at one of the glitches and it blasted into 100 points/XP.

Five begins to taunt them but then they charge at us. Resulting in us running again. I got another transition on my gauntlet. I answered and it was Mitch again. "Use your gauntlets to drain its power. And get me out of here!" Mitch yelled. "Hey BITT, do these thing have multi-target?" I asked. The gauntlet then went off and said the multi target settings were on. Back to back we all start blasting glitches. Using different weapons and things.

Chomp Kitty growls at us. We all begin to blast it. But all it did was create dents, only to have the glitch generate the pixels back. We were then thrown back as it roared at us and ran off. We get up and go after it. It makes its way to the play area. "Ugh why is it eating the ball pit?" Five asked as we see Chomp Kitty eating kids and the balls of the ball pit.

"Glitch intelligence is limited to base programming." BITT said. "Oh! He thinks they are power pellets." Miko said. I then get another call. "Hurry! I am surrounded by toddler snot!" Mitch said as I see him surrounded by kids and plastic balls. I giggle at the sight. "Shut it you!" Mitch said as I ended the transmission.

"That gives me a plan" Five said. "He loves plans." Miko said to BITT. I nod in agreement. Five then uses this, unnecessary giant blaster, to shoot out a rat toy for the cat to follow. "It thinks you're food! Great plan." Miko said as she tries to blast it. But then Miko was propelled into the wall. "Miko! BITT, can power ups be modified?" I asked. "They can to nerf a target." BITT said. The chomp Kitty was about to get Miko when I decided to blast it as Five looked for a power up to defeat it.

I wasn't fast enough as it managed to chomped me too. "Well looks like Chomp Kitty has...chomped Kitty." I say, giggling at my joke. "Ugh seriously? We don't need any more bodies in here. Especially this klutz" Mitch complained. I glare at Mitch with an unamused look and start throwing plastic balls at him. "Ah! No don't! You don't know where any of these have been with these snot monsters!" Mitch said as I laugh manically.

All of a sudden a pizza pops into here. But then the walls started to move and then next thing we know, everything the cat ate was propelled and distributed throughout the arcade. I managed to roll and land steadily. I hear screaming and see Mitch falling in my direction. I try to catch him but the impact cause me to get dragged down with him as he impacted the floor and I fall on top of him. I catch myself with my hands but that makes my wrist hurts more. Causing me to collapse right on Mitch slightly.

I groan and hold my head. I look down and see Mitch. He grunts and was about to probably make another fat remark when Five aimed his gauntlet at him. "Hey, pro, get away form my sister and if you think about making another remark to her you must want your memory reset." Five said. "Caution, a tech gauntlet is not to be used aggressively. It is a tool to protect the innocence, never to harm." BITT said.

"Yeah well your MVP here really needs to read the manual." Miko said as she helped me up. "You gotta believe me, I wasn't really going to do it, I was freaked you wouldn't reset. Everybody resets" Mitch said. "You stole my win, why?" Five asked. "Was it to protect your lame gamer stats?" Miko asked. "I'm Mitch Williams. I am the number one in this city. You take that away, you might as well take everything. Besides that win was bugged. He wasn't even the real winner. She was." He said pointing to Miko. "What but Five made the winning shot." Miko said.

"Yeah. With your ball remember?" Mitch said. "I guess you won." Five said as they both shrug. "Well no matter who wins. He still loses." Five said as he aimed his gauntlet at Mitch. "Please don't!" Mitch said. "What if we wiped your entire gaming career? You have nothing left to protect. And, You hurt my sister and her feelings! And she's literally still the biggest fan you will have even after you have shown your true colors." Five said.

"Five!" I said as I step in front of Mitch. "Yes he went too far, yes he is rude and said bad things about us, especially me. But we can't take this from him. Remember when Papi took your gaming stuff away because you left the stove on and nearly burnt down the truck? Or how mad you guys were at Mitch for erasing our memories about Nobi smash? If you take his gaming away, then you are no better than him." I said, defending him. "The one thing we have in common is our love for gaming. It makes us who we are." I said with confidence.

If it weren't for Mitch and my brother, I would have never taken up gaming like I do now. And I've never been happier playing video games and watching how flawless Mitch was at playing, hoping that one day I get as pro level as him. Five deactivated his gauntlet and nods with a smile. Then all of a sudden my gauntlet went off. "Come in Mitch! After the signal the glitch went viral. What happened?" A guy named Phil asked. "You want to tell him or should we?" Miko ask. 


We then started off with Miko's parents. "So your daughter wasn't lying when she said a giant mo star hand came through your TV and crashed din your living room." Mitch said. "I'm sorry? What are we talking about?" Miko's dad asked. "We're talking about giving your daughter and her friends part time jobs at the Hinobi store, as new technical support." Phil, the manager said. Her parents liked the sound of it and agreed. "So while I restore your system's memory, you will remember this, your daughter's gaming skills helped her earn a job with Hinobi tech support." Phil said. Miko hugging her parents and then they were blasted with the system reboot.

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