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Days have passed, and Mina had swollen and puffy eyes. Whenever Gauthier would bring her food, she would always decline and refuse to eat because of her devastation. The butler was concerned, noticing a difference in Mina's weight. It evident that she got skinner, and Gauthier would insist on eating to maintain her health, but she would block him out and never uttered a word. She hasn't even moved an inch on the bed - the only progress she made was that instead of laying face down on the pillow, she was laying on her back with her arms spread wide open and limply, staring vacantly at the ceiling. 

She was no longer sad over the situation, but rather disappointed in herself.

She didn't know what she was expecting, she should've understood that her blood is only of use to Tzuyu. It's her fault for letting herself be vulnerable, but she didn't understand why it made it feel so depressed.

They still don't know anything about each other and she was still new to the mansion and everything that was happening around her. 

So why was it eating her up?

"Child, Madam wants to see you." Gauthier said softly, holding the door slightly open.

She didn't even notice that Gauthier opened the door; but it's not like it made a difference. She had no intention in moving.

"Please child, Madam is very impatient."

Mina didn't budge.

Gauthier sighs and attempts again, "Mina."

Mina averts her eyes to Gauthier when he said her name; being serious, "You wouldn't want Madam to punish you." 

The human gives a weak giggle.


What can Tzuyu possibly do that is worse than how Mina is feeling right now?

But nevertheless, she got up from the bed and went to the door. There was no point - Tzuyu always gets what she wants. 

Mina walked passed Gauthier, completely ignoring him and made her way to Tzuyu's office. 

Once she was in front of the door, she pushed it open and went in where she saw Tzuyu who had her hands clasp together on the desk - waiting for Mina's arrival. 

When seeing Mina, she smiled softly but unnoticeable. That smile of hers soon faded away when Mina made her way to Tzuyu, coming closer with each step she took. Tzuyu observed the weight she lost: her skin became paler, and her movements were more limp and seemed to drain her.

She somehow became even more fragile.

Tzuyu bit the inside of her cheek, not wanting to show that much concern for the human. She maintained her cold façade. 

"What took you so long?" Tzuyu forcefully spat out. 

Mina stopped when she was in front of Tzuyu's desk and looked at her with half open eyelids. She was tired from crying, and she tried so hard to not have a break down right in front of the vampire that made her feel miserable.

At first, Mina was certain that she would be incapable of talking to Tzuyu because of how gloomy she is, but she was captivated by the cold vampires beauty that she couldn't ignore the question. 

"I'm here right now... Mistress..." She uttered softly.

During all this time, Tzuyu was watching Mina very intensely on her laptop while she was having her episode. Tzuyu saw that the human didn't move her body or mouth to Gauthier coming in with tempting and delicious looking food. So by hearing Mina reply to her made her sigh in relief and smile for a few seconds before it faded away, returning back to her cold and usual self.

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