chapter 5

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Centers for Disease Control; One day before the Outbreak

Three men dressed in white coats stepped out of a room with a vial in their hands. Over the white coats, they were wearing yellow hazmat suits that would protect them from some of the diseases that were secretly guarded and kept in the facility. The first man unzipped the hazmat suit and pulled it off of him. He placed the vial of some strange pathogen on a table and stepped out of the suit. He was a man with blue eyes, dirty brown hair, a white coat, brown shirt, and ripped and faded blue jeans. Glasses perched on his long, angular nose. The second man was a bit more heath concerned; as soon as he stepped out of the suit, he had a surgical mask over his face, so none of the particles and bacteria were to come into his mouth and infect him.

“We mustn't let anyone know about this pathogen,” said the second man. His name tag read doctor Richard.

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