Part 21: The Meeting Part 1

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The word resounded in the room like the screeching of a singing bowl. The others already knew, likely already affected by it.

How did we not-

I don't know.

"Rebellion?" I said aloud, my voice suddenly hoarse. "By whom?"

"The lower fae, who the hell did you think?" Tarquin said, throwing a hand in the air. Rhys glared at him, and if I wasn't so shocked, I would have too. "Sorry," He muttered. "Things are absolutely insane down there. I haven't got a wink of sleep since Calanmai."

"It seems," Thesian said, "that the fae of the Spring and Autumn court have had enough of their high lords."

"That's one way to put it" Kallas sneered. "You three are fine up here, removed from the rest of us who are trying to keep Baron from burning down half the-"

"It's not like life is so great up here, we are taking refu-" Helion cut in.

"Not enough, fae are spilling onto my beaches-" Everyone was talking over one another. It looked like Tarquin was about to pummel Helion when Rhys said,

"For the love of the Mother, someone tell us what's going on and why the hell my people haven't heard an ounce of news about this". His expression was grim, darker than I had seen in a long while. He was glaring at everyone, teeth slightly bared, waiting for someone to respond. I slid my hand over his thigh, but his tension didn't lessen.

It was Viviane who finally spoke up; "After we all left and started taking a few asylum seekers, Tamlin went nuts. He burned half his forest down, empty homes of fae who left, and hung the family of that fae you used..a puca I think. But you knew that, didn't you?" I nodded, still moving my thumb back and forth across my mates thigh. "It got worse. He sent his guard into what was left of the woods and to the further villages. They executed whole tribes of lesser fae. Suriel families, Water-Wraiths, it didn't make any sense." Of course, they wouldn't know why. What would they do if they found out? My hands were shaking. "The fire spread all over, even to homes by his palace," Rhys grabbed my hand from his leg. "But they started fighting back, attacking the guard. Once word hit the Autumn court by dawn, I suppose they thought it was an appealing idea."

"That's why you all are being so secretive, " I said, glaring at Thesan, "Because you don't want your people to realize it might be possible to-"

"But it's not possible, Feyre!" Tarquin snapped, slamming a hand on the table. "We aren't looking at rebellion, we are witnessing an execution!" I was doing my best to keep my whole body from trembling. My fault. This was my fault.

"They are fighting back, but they aren't surviving! Bodies are piled up on the sides of the streets if they aren't being turned to ash" My fault. My fault. My Fault.


"Baron and Tamlin are having a fucking field day, slaughtering everyone whos ever crossed them, its blood lust for days!"

"How many," I half barked at the men across the table. They all looked at each other, sensing the rage boiling under my skin.

"How...Many..." I was gripping the edge of my chair like it was the only thing keeping me on from unleashing myself onto them.

"Someone answered her."

"If we are lucky, upwards of 10,000" Thesan muttered, "but that's wishful thinking." All I could hear was the roaring in my ears. More than...I couldn't even bear to think it. All of them, just because I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut. Why could I never keep my mouth shut? They would be alive if I had just kept my fucking mouth shut.


They would all be safe if I had just let him take me. God so many people would be living. Not just now, so many so many so many


My fault my fault my fault my fault my fault.


"And that's not the worst part. " Helion said. "He's got a price over your heads that would pay for even someone of our lifespan to never work again if he doesn't get to you first."

"How is that worse?" Vivane shouted at him, "How is that worse than all those fae-"

"Didn't you notice? " He drawled, "The Night Court is Going to have an heir."

Any Day Darling:  A Feysand StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя