Part 11: Firenight part three

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I watched the Puca take their seat next to Rhys from the catwalk Az had found earlier. While keeping my eye on the party below, I began to strip from my dress and change into my Illyrian fighting gear and slowly started sprouting my wings. It felt new every time I did it. In the earlier days, it felt like they were growing from my bones and ripping apart my flesh to grow, but now it felt more like my skin was morphing into the wings and guiding them along. Once my gear was on and my wings were fully sprouted, I leaned down to peer over the edge of the catwalk. Tamlin was addressing the crowd in the cave, but I couldn't hear him. I was too focused on the thoughts of my mate. On the outside he looked as calm as he always did at these gatherings, all slouched down and loosely holding the Puca's hand, but there was a storm raging in his mind. 

My love, I purred to him, Lookup. Slowly he tilted his head up as if to rest it on the back of his chair. His cold eyes met mine through the sliver of light in the catwalk, and his face began to soften.
As soon as the ceremony starts, and he picks the puca, you can winnow up here, and I swear I will be here in the flesh...
I know
He's not going to hurt me. He might hurt the puca, but they're willing. You should have heard some of the things they said.
I suppose you'll have to tell me later.
I suppose I will, I- I lost my thought as I watched Tamlin stroll over to the fire and stick his hand straight into it. No one gasped or even gaped when he pulled his hand out, a large gold goblet in his fist. The fae of the spring court must have been used to it, but that did not stop me from gazing at the goblet. He strode back up to the stage where a poor maid was forced to kneel with a tray in her arms. The tray had an arrangement of things on it. A smaller goblet, a small dagger, and what looked to be a power brush for shaving. Tamlin plopped the goblet down onto the tray and addressed the crowd.
"As you are all well aware, this year's rite is going to be a little different. For those of you who have turned off age in the past 7 years when we have not had public rites or guests who are not aware, under normal circumstances, I would drink from the cup of fire, to empower my magic so I might pick a lucky fae with whom I would mate. This ritual is what keeps the magic here in the spring court moving and alive.
"However this year, things are going to be a little different. Seeing as this ritual was meant to be down between the high Lord and his wife, it seems only fitting that I use it to find my own. However!" He paused, "It does not seem appropriate or fair for my wife to be chosen while I am on such a state of power and lust, where I mean only to ravish."
Ugh, I don't think I'll ever be able to use that word again, thanks, Tam! Rhys said.
Oh really? I asked him, sending him a rather interesting sight of myself in the smallest amount of clothing possible. He sent back a rather rude gesture, but I knew I had made his wings twitch and his member as hard as a rock.
Pulling myself away from our conversation, I turned back to Tamlin. He had the small goblet, whose cup was no larger than Elains palm, and lowered it into the larger cup with what looked like a glorified egg Dipper children used to dye eggs on the spring equinox. When the cup reemerged, it was almost overflowing with the purple flaming drink. Tamlin took the goblet to his lips and drained it in a moment, tilting his head towards the sky. The moment the first drop of the liquid hit his tung, he began to glow, as if he were truly on fire. He slammed the glass down on the tray and lunged full speed ahead for the puca.
Right on schedule, she began to scream bloody murder. He grabbed her wrists and forced her to the center of the stage, but as soon as he had gotten her out of her chair, Rhys disappeared from below. I looked up to see my mate sitting next to me.
"There you are."
I pounced on him. Our lips crashed together, even with the scene below us raging on. When we broke, I peered down and found everything going to plan. All the high Lord's were standing around, all scared to strike first, while Tamlin and the puca, who was rapidly changing forms, kissed.
I stood up, Rhys followed and took my hands. He planted a peck on my cheek and said "I just realized how dangerous this dramatic entrance might be for the baby" I rolled my eyes into the back of my head. "Oh, fuck it, kick his ass."
And I smiled as I began to free all towards the stone stage.

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