Part 13: Home

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AN: I want your all's opinion!! So we all know that Queen Maas likes to get real sexy in the books. Is that something you want/don't mind to see here? Comment!!

Az was first to break our line as we landed inside the gates of the river house. He barreled straight for Elain, waiting for us in the front garden. He swooped her off her feet and absolutely showered her in kisses. Her frame looked so tiny next to his. It always did.
They made me smile every time I saw them too. The fact that Elain had progressed enough to even consider the possibility astounded me, and now they are getting married on the summer solstice.
Rhys put his hand on my back, bringing me out of my thoughts and back into reality. Everyone else had already begun to make their way inside, but we still stood where we winnowed.
"You okay?"He asked gently.
"Yeah," I muttered, "just tired is all. I don't think I got a wink of good sleep last night." Rhys took my hand and we began to walk to the house.
"How could you?" He sighed in response, "I know I couldn't sleep well with him so close you. I can only imagine how you felt."
"I think you can get a pretty good idea," I said kissing his cheek. We walked through the grand doors and onto the first floor.
The first floor was for entertainment and business. That's where our dining room was, and the parlor. Along with Rhys and I's offices of course, and a small ballroom ticked behind the stairs. The first floor wasn't in any way, shape or form, a home. But the second and third floors were nearly as homely as the townhouse.
When we moved in, Rhys insisted we keep the round table from the kitchen in the townhouse, although it was much too small for all of us to fit around now, he loved that thing. He said that he bought it when he first became high Lord because he had read an old mortal tale about a king who had all of his men sit at a round table, so that no one could be at the head, and hence superior. I laughed at the notion, and eventually, he did admit that the table was too small, but not without an extreme amount of stubbornness. We simply bought a larger round table, and he kept the old one in his office. That damned table creeks horribly, a terrible spot for a quickie.
We walked up the grand staircase and into our home. More was already sitting on the couch, nursing a bottle of wine.
"Dear gods Mor, someday you're going to have a full-fledged addiction," Rhys said, flicking the bottle as we passed.
"Who said I don't already!" She called after us and Rhys chuckled.
"Where to love?" Rhys asked me, spinning me in his arms so I could look at him.
"Hmm," I mussed, "well, I'm exhausted, so bed, but I'm also starving, so kitchen, but also, I'm covered In rock dust, so bath, plus the moment we are alone for more than a minute, I know I'm gonna want to jump your bones, so.."
"Oo I like that last option." He said
"I do too, so I don't know."
"Tell you what," he said, pulling me closer, "you go run us a bath, and I'll go hunt through the kitchen."
"That sounds very good." I said, getting on my tiptoes to kiss his nose.
I strode down the hallway to our bedroom, past the library and lounge (as Mor insisted calling it. Really it's just the room we all get drunk in). I opened the oak door to find the comforting scent of home. Our room smelled slightly different than the rest of the house, for we never let cleaners in, we just cleaned ourselves. It smelled like body oil and lavender and parchment. It smelled like home. I kicked sat down on the side of the bed and began to undo all the contraptions from my body. All of the hidden blades and the pop-up dagger shoes. Perhaps I had over-prepared for the encounter earlier.
When it was all off, with the blades on the desk, I walked over to our bathroom and began to draw up a bath. Slightly scolding water, with a bit of lavender and a shit ton of bubbles.
I slid into the steaming bath and felt all of my muscles relax. I hadn't realized how tense I was the past few days. My eyes began to grow heavy.
It wasn't like all of our problems would be over and done with now. We still had to worry about all the refugees and the status of the spring court. Who knows, the fae might throw Tamlin out of his own home, or even better, kill him. And then there was this baby. Fae pregnancies weren't an easy time. There was a lot of pain, and waiting involved, and that was all before the labor. Fearful thoughts still running through my head, my eyes dipped closed and my head leaned back of the rim of the tub as I drifted off to sleep.

"Feyre, darling." Rhys purred in my ear. My eyes slowly blinked open to see Rhys face looking above mine, "You really weren't kidding about being exhausted." He said
"Well, no shit," I muttered sitting up. He slipped into the tub behind me, and I fell back onto him. He cocooned me with his arms as I laid back on his chest, my eyes fluttering shut again. And still wrapped in the warm water, I fell asleep on my mate's chest.
We were home.

Any Day Darling:  A Feysand StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin