"Only because they had shafer pits and harlot tears", The fool said scoffing

"I mean the Chicken pot pie you idiot,'' the leader said "besides as I recall, it was you that got ahold of some tears and ran around chasing those poor barmaids like an over eager pup"

"Harlot tears do a funny thing, the fool said with his face flushed red the potion is not for a prude is all im saying"

"Your a fucking idiot", the archer said in a dry tone

At that moment an audible crunch sounded off as if a twig had been snapped in two.

The scouting party came to an abrupt halt as they sound reached their ears, twigs don't break by themselves. The leader put his hand up to signal the party to stop and drew his blade to reveal the chipped length of its worn edge. Positioning the blade in front of him he stepped carefully towards the bush as the archer gulped nervously and notched an arrow. The fool drew his sword loudly and wildly with a shaking hand to reveal a full clean edge that shook back and forth as if he wasn't used to the weight of the blade. Come on out we mean you no harm, the leader said adjusting his grip on the sword he held angled upwards in a defensive position after what seemed an eternity of the men tensley standing like statues with their arms at the ready A soft chuckle could be heard, a chuckle that sounded like a womans.

A woman stepped methodically from the thick shrubbage swinging her hips with an obvious air of confidence she was dressed in a mail shirt, leather pants and wicked face paint. She smiled at the leader with an air of swagger showing a mouthful of yellow chipped teeth, the face paint was of a bird's wings spread across her pale white face, that sent black streaks into her golden hair. Her bright green eyes were piercing against the ash colored wings on her high cheekbones.

"Vut is eet you say een your countray", she said smiling as she tightened the leather strap on the wooden round shield she had on her arm. "Checkmate", a voice said from behind the party as an arrow sprouted from the cabooses back, the triangular head protruding out of his chest.

he fell forward and caught himself with his free hand and dropped the bread as a surprised gasp escaped his lips, another outlander rushed forward dressed in nothing but paint and bravery, the sunlight gleaming off his cleanly shaven scalp. He rushed forward, his beard braided into a thick rope swinging back and forth over his tattoo covered flesh with two single headed axes at his sides. He laughed maniacally as he flourished his two weapons in a startling show of skill, the blades forging deadly arcs through the air with an audible hiss.

The lady lunged and stabbed at the leader, he swept her blade away with his simultaneously,bringing the hilt of the sword up to strike her, the woman raised her shield to deflect, the shockwave rattled the leaders teeth. The lady dropped to a knee and spun wickedly using the deflected blows momentum cutting into the unarmored flesh of the leaders legs, blood rushed forward and dripped down the leather riding pants he had worn just as he fell to his knees with a soft grunt.

the berzerker let out a guttural roar and charged the visibly nervous archer. The archer notched an arrow and in his haste shot it clumsily towards the rushing madman, the berzerker dodged the ill placed arrow and leaped into the air with both axes overhead. In a mixture of fear and desperation the archer rushed forward to meet him, the archer snatched the savage out of the air and slammed him into the hard earth. The archer struggled to pin his arms to the ground with his knees as he fought to gain the advantage, once the archer successfully pinned both tattoo covered arms he began pounding the beast in his unarmoured face with unleashed fury. The archer roared like an animal as he brought done his left hand and then his right one after the other even as he felt the man's nose give under his relentless pounding with a soft crunch

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