Chapter 23: Married

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Lena Pov.

Today is the day that we are getting married but went I saw everyone is getting ready for us to be happy with Kara Danvers or knows as Kara Zor-El her alien name but went I wake for this morning I haven't seen Kara or heard from her anywhere.

Alex was in Kara's apartment went I only saw Lena was inside looking for Kara.

Alex: Lena are you looking for Kara?

Lena: yes, where is Kara?

Alex: Kara is actually is not here on National City

Lena: what did you mean

Alex: I mean she is at Central City ask Winn to come to your wedding day for today

Lena: really she's doing for us

Alex: yes but I must go back to DEO must do some paperwork and don't forget to celebrate a small party a Kara apartment

Lena: sure I would love that idea, Alex

Meanwhile, on Star Labs, there was Kara and Winn talking about their celebrate a small party tonight to let us bring everyone to get Kara and Lena be just one family.

Winn: did Lena know that you are here with me on Central City

Kara: I sure Alex told Lena where I was

Winn: okay are you sure about what are you doing this

Kara: I trust you, Winn

Suddenly, J'onn came into Star Labs and saw Kara were Winn stare at Hank who is looking at both of them in surprise look on Winn and Kara's face.

Kara: thank what are you doing here are you suppose to help Alex with her paperwork on DEO

J'onn: I did but Alex ask me to check on you what are you doing at Star Labs

Winn: we just decided to have a small party went we are back at Kara apartment

J'onn: oh okay I will go back to National City and tell Alex to change into the plan B forgetting Lena to get going for your last date

Winn: okay bye

J'onn: bye Winn and don't be late for the party

Kara: I promise I won't be late for are were own party and I invited all people just except for others is still busy with their mission

J'onn flies back to where he comes from and just left Kara and Winn alone in Star Labs.

Kara: so what are we supposed to do now

Winn: you go back to National City ask Lena goes for your last date ever and tell her that you are throwing a small party on your apartment

Kara: okay I will and thank you, Winn you are the best

Winn: aw that so sweet of you Kara

Kara: okay see you at my apartment

Winn nods and saw Kara fly out from Star Labs went to see Lena at her office on Lcorp for asking Lena for her last date with Kara and tomorrow we are having a busy day for us to getting married.

Meanwhile, Kara arrives at Lcorp and land at Lena balcony, and she saw Kara is smiled on Lena's face and Kara Zor-El tell her something before she had something else on her mind.

Lena: Kara!

Kara: I need to talk to you about something

Lena: what you want to talk about

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