Chapter 1: The Flash aka Barry Allen

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Barry Allen went to Star Labs going to take Cisco Vibe gun and went to National City to meet Supergirl on the DEO.

Wally saw Barry was finding something to get away his problem with someone else.

Wally: Barry what are you looking for?

Barry: nothing just Cisco vibe gun

Wally: what is a Vibe?

Barry: that thing can go a different earth

Wally: really

Barry: yes

Suddenly, Cisco went into Star Labs saw Wally and Barry.

Cisco: Hey, Barry have you seen the Vibe gun that I upgraded to fix the problem with

Wally walks over to Cisco and asks him.

Wally: Cisco??

Cisco: Wally why are you here??

Wally: sorry I thought I can help you find it whatever you are looking

Barry: Cisco I'm busy

Cisco: okay

Barry finally found the Vibe gun and press the button went inside the gate went to the National City.

Cisco: where is my Vibe gun go?

Wally: Barry just left and he takes your Vibe gun left Earth-1 went to National City

Cisco: What?

Cisco uses his Vibe power and opens a bridge but went he step into the gate he saw different Earth but not the Earth-38 which is National City.

Suddenly, Barry Allen arrives in National City but is not DEO is a different place, Barry looks around and saying is he is now at Luthor Corp building and Barry landing wrong place and time but supposed to meet Kara/Supergirl at the DEO.

A girl spotted me in someone's office.

Eve: Oh My God!! The security We have an intruder on Lena office come here quickly

Security: right on my way

Lena heard Eve is shouting with someone outside the office and she want to check out who it is.

Lena came out from her office saw a guy wearing a red suit with a lightning bolt symbol on his suit.

Lena: who the hell are you?

Eve: I'm sorry Miss Luthor he just came from out of nowhere

Barry: sorry I didn't mean to disturb you and I was about to leave

Security: stop right there!

Barry: Are you kidding me?

Security: I don't know who you are and where you come from

Barry: sorry I can't do that if I were you

Lena: what did you mean?

Barry runs with his speed faster and finally went to the DEO and he saw Winn and Kara's sister is working something to a metahuman like me.

Security: What the Hell--

Eve: Where did he go?

Lena: he is too fast to catch him

Security: don't worry Lena if he tries to come here I will get ready

Lena: thanks I will get going to the DEO to met Supergirl

Eve: you want to see Kara Danvers

Lena: yea I miss her so much

Eve: good luck

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