Chapter 19: A new member of Team Flash

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Winn Scott is leaving the DEO and went to join Team Flash at Earth-1 with Barry Allen but Alex, Brainy, Nia, and Kara will miss Winn so much and they can visit Winn at Central City if they have a day off or family Christmas Eve or happy new year that can celebrate with him.

Alex: I will miss you

Winn: me too Alex

Kara: if you see Barry tell him that I say hi

Winn: okay

Brainy: my number one best person in the world ever

Winn: thanks Brainy you too and take all of this went I'm gone okay and Kara too

Brainy: I promise

Nia: Winn I didn't meet you in person or Kara didn't tell me about you so take care of yourself

Winn: sure I will and thanks for everything that you guy did for me

Kara: Barry is waiting for you at Star Labs

Winn: okay guy thank you and goodbye

We saw Winn go through the Vibe that Cisco opens the gate and later the blue ocean Vibe is disappeared from the DEO.

Alex: well we must get to work

Brainy: right let go, Nia, we go fight some crime together

Nia: let do this

Kara: wait for me I join too

Alex: Kara you the protection of Brainy and Nia went they on the field

Kara: okay boss

They fly off the DEO Balcony went on the crime scene with Nia for her first time fighting with Supergirl and Brainy.

Meanwhile, on Earth-1 Winn arrive at Star Labs saw Barry and his friend were too happy that they have a new member join on Team Flash.

Barry: Welcome to Star Labs Winn Scott

Winn: I happy to be here with working with you guys

Wally: Winn can you fix my kid Flash suit and upgrade

Winn: sure let me take a look at what is wrong with your kid Flash suit

Wally gives his suit to Winn and he uses something with on and later after an hour he finishes fixing the suit and gives back to Wally.

Wally: so how is my suit going Winn

Winn: well I fix your suit and plus I increase your power so that you can faster than Barry

Wally: really I can try the suit now

Winn: sure here you go

Barry: so Wally how is your feel

Wally: well I think the same

Barry: why not you and me race who is the faster or the loser buy everyone a meal for dinner

Winn: I bet Wally can win

Cisco: I also bet on Wally on this

Barry: Caitlin how about you who you bet to

Caitlin: I don't know what to choose

Iris: well I bet Barry on this

Winn: are you sure?

Iris: hey he is my husband

Winn: okay fine let go and race

Barry and Wally go outside from Star Labs and go to the training track that first Barry Allen has his speed.

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